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This is a mail filter which uses the Bayes algorithm as explained in Paul Graham's article "A Plan for Spam". It aims to be smaller, faster, and more versatile than other filters. The implementation is ANSI C and uses POSIX functions. Supported platforms are (in theory) all POSIX systems. It is independent from external programs and libraries, supports multiple database formats (flat files, libdb, and MySQL), and uses efficient zero-copy processing. SpamAssassin style passthru mode and headers are supported.


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2002-10-10 00:48 Back to release list

文本模式的一个缺陷,可能导致段错误寻找一个空的名单已确定。一些可移植性微调已增加了libdb v4.0及* BSD的。
标签: Minor bugfixes
A bug in text mode that could cause a segfault searching an empty list has been fixed. A few portability tweaks have been added for libdb v4.0 and *BSD.

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