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This is a mail filter which uses the Bayes algorithm as explained in Paul Graham's article "A Plan for Spam". It aims to be smaller, faster, and more versatile than other filters. The implementation is ANSI C and uses POSIX functions. Supported platforms are (in theory) all POSIX systems. It is independent from external programs and libraries, supports multiple database formats (flat files, libdb, and MySQL), and uses efficient zero-copy processing. SpamAssassin style passthru mode and headers are supported.


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2002-10-07 20:11 Back to release list

本新闻稿中包含的主要缺陷修复的例程之前撤消注册的电子邮件(如用于- S和- N系列开关)。强烈建议升级。请阅读说明书更新日志,纠正错误的数据集。
标签: Major bugfixes
This release contains a major bugfix to the routine that undoes prior
registrations of email (as used in the -S and -N switches). Upgrading
is strongly recommended. Please read the ChangeLog for instructions to
correct errors in your datasets.

Project Resources