Download List


CoverFinder is a tool that finds cover images via
the Amazon Web Services API and saves them locally.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-07-29 23:51

标签: Minor feature enhancements
Build issues on Ubuntu were fixed. Drag and drop was enabled. The program now saves to cover.jpg in the cache and uses the original image name as the cache directory name. Size is now shown in the search result.

2008-07-20 17:52

标签: Code cleanup
This version was completely rewritten with gvfs as
the HTTP backend. The code is based on GObject,
making it easier to extend. The UI was improved
with its own entries for artist, title, and

2007-09-26 22:25

标签: Major feature enhancements
Keyword escaping has been fixed. Tooltips have been added for advanced keyword search. A progress bar has been added. Title and artist search keywords have been added. A bug where cached images weren't used has been fixed.

2007-09-20 14:26

菜单项的桌面和应用程序的图标增加了。更多数据显示在一个结果生效。是按类型排序结果(适用于CDDA / DVD)和称号。一个菜单项被添加到清除缓存。代码清理完成和内存泄漏是固定的。用户界面显示,包括立即再次下载。关键词转换为使用的URL以latin1字符集。重点是设置在启动时搜索项。一个上下文菜单被添加到TreeView中。默认的文件名设置为在filechooser cover.jpg。
标签: Major feature enhancements
A desktop menu entry and application icon were
added. More metadata are shown in a result entry.
Results are sorted by type (CDDA/DVD) and title. A
menu item was added to clear the cache. Code
cleanups were done and a memory leak was fixed.
The UI shows downloaded covers immediately again.
Keywords are converted to the latin1 charset for
use in an URL. The focus is set to the search
entry on startup. A context menu was added to the
treeview. The default filename was set to
cover.jpg in the filechooser.

Project Resources