Download List


Cyberbrau is a Web-based program to help the
homebrewer. It allows for very simple and
intuitive beer, cider, and mead recipe creation,
and it automatically calculates all the pertinent
information based on the selected ingredients and
schedule. In addition to the recipes, it allows
multiple brewers to privately track their own
batches, emailing them on racking, bottling, and
lagering dates. Finally, it has a 'taster's
review' section which allows those who try your
brew to rate and comment on the batch. This
information goes into the overall recipe ranking.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-04-03 03:29 Back to release list

标签: Major feature enhancements
Many new bugfixes and ergonomic enhancements, a few security fixes, inclusion of a new, optional BBS to mimic's functionality, a new admin section to create/admin all the beer styles, user accounts, etc., and many little improvements all around.

Project Resources