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dlib is a C++ library for developing portable applications dealing with networking, threads, graphical interfaces, data structures, linear algebra, machine learning, XML and text parsing, numerical optimization, Bayesian nets, and numerous other tasks.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-05 08:51

此版本包括一大批新的次要功能和可用性改进。它还包括新的机器学习工具,学习等级的对象。这是 dlib::svm_rank_trainer,众所周知的 SVM 排名算法的一个实现。此外,执行在 O(n*log(n)) 的时间中运行,因此适合使用大型培训数据集。
标签: Stable
This release includes a large number of new minor features and usability improvements. It also includes a new machine learning tool for learning to rank objects. This is the dlib::svm_rank_trainer, an implementation of the well known SVM-Rank algorithm. Moreover, the implementation runs in O(n*log(n)) time and is therefore suitable for use with large training datasets.

2012-12-20 08:06

此版本给图书馆带来大量的新功能。亮点包括概率盛科分析器,用于创建使用大容量同步并行计算模型和两个新的聚类算法的应用程序的工具: 中国细语和纽曼的聚类分析的模块化设计。
标签: feature additions, Bugfixes
This release brings a number of new features to the library. Highlights include a probabilistic CKY parser, tools for creating applications using the Bulk Synchronous Parallel computing model, and two new clustering algorithms: Chinese Whispers and Newman's modularity clustering.

2012-02-03 10:19

标签: feature additions, Bug fixes
This release contains a number of new features, bugfixes, and usability improvements. Highlights include a structural support vector machine method for learning to solve assignment problems and new feature extractors for detecting objects in images.

2011-11-22 14:35

标签: Bug fixes, feature additions
This release contains a number of new features and bugfixes. Some highlights are a structural support vector machine method for learning to do sequence labeling, as well as a graph-based image segmentation tool.

2011-10-22 15:01

标签: Major feature enhancements
This release contains a number of new features and bugfixes. Some highlights are a structural support vector machine method for learning to detect objects in images, and two new general purpose tools for solving the MAP problem in graphical models.

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