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dsmcc-mhp-tools is a collection of utilities for generating MPEG2 elementary streams that include DSM-CC MHP ObjectCarousels and other MPEG2/MHP-specific structures, especially the ones used for proper signalling. In addition to the one-step ObjectCarousel encoder, the project also provides tools for the generation of the PMT, AIT, continuous NPT-streams, and StreamEvent descriptors. All DSM-CC object types (File, Directory, Stream, StreamEvent, and LiteOptionsProfile) are supported and can be included in the generated streams. The encoder programs can be used by broadcasters to include MHP-Applications or other data in a MPEG2 stream, or by companies and MHP-Application developers for testing.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-08-02 02:58

标签: Minor feature enhancements
The ObjectCarousel update tool was not available for multi-layered ObjectCarousels for some time; it can also deal with them now. It allows updates of parts (DataCarousels, each broadcast on its own PID) of the whole ObjectCarousel.

2004-07-21 04:10

标签: Major feature enhancements
This version supports the encoding of multi-layered
ObjectCarousels. An ObjectCarousel can now be distributed
over multiple PIDs within the same CarouselID, which means
that the encoder is able to create DataCarousels from
subdirectories of the ObjectCarousel's root, where each
DataCarousel gets encoded into a separate MPEG2 elementary

2004-05-03 23:18

支持增量用电,消委会ObjectCarousel更新,已实施和测试成功,使从一个ObjectCarousel版本更新到另一个。它比较以前创建与更新的源目录树ObjectCarousel的播出,产生一个更新的ObjectCarousel的MPEG2基本流。这一机制使广播改变了ObjectCarousel的内容,可以使用,例如,更新视MHP - Xlets数据(图片,新闻等),而其ObjectCarousel已经安装和Xlet正在运行。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Support for incremental DSM-CC ObjectCarousel updates has been implemented and tested successfully, allowing updates from one ObjectCarousel version to another. It compares a previously created ObjectCarousel with its updated source directory tree to be broadcast, and so creates an updated ObjectCarousel MPEG2 elementary stream. This mechanism enables broadcasters to change the contents of an ObjectCarousel and can be used, for example, to update MHP-Xlets data (pictures, news, etc.) while its ObjectCarousel has already been mounted and the Xlet is running.

2004-04-07 16:12

标签: Initial freshmeat announcement

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