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Genetic Algorithm File Fitter, GAFFitter for short, is a tool based on a genetic algorithm (GA) that tries to fit a collection of items into as few as possible volumes of a specific size. For example, the items might be files/directories and the volumes might be CDs or DVDs. The task of arranging items in such manner that the number of required bins is minimized is called Bin Packing, a NP-hard combinatorial problem for which no deterministic polynomial-time algorithm is known. Using heuristics, such as GAs, it is usually possible to approximate -- and often reach -- the best solution for the problem within a reasonable time.


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2008-08-17 02:43 Back to release list

此版本的功能发生重大变化。遗传算法搜索是完全重写,现正采取更合适的方法能够进行更好的优化。一些选项进行了修改/补充,以提高作为一个过滤器GAFFitter,并与其他工具更简单,更可靠的一体化。 Python脚本增加了,其中包括在ISO 9660映像脚本创建和GAFFitter整合的CD / DVD(如K3B和Brasero)刻录应用程序。
标签: Major feature enhancements
This release features major changes. The genetic algorithm search was completely rewritten, and now adopts a more suitable approach able to perform better optimizations. Some options were modified/added in order to improve GAFFitter as a filter, making integration with other tools easier and more reliable. Python scripts were added, including scripts for ISO 9660 image creation and integration of GAFFitter with CD/DVD burning applications (like K3B and Brasero).

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