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HERMES is a Web application framework designed to help provide a rapid application development framework for business tools with an initial focus of CRM (application included). It provides an integrated and flexible approach to business tools, and allows for database abstraction, library models, user rights management, and other critical areas.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-07-29 01:18 Back to release list

甲文/ html MIME类型已添加了对文件上传已得到修复。阿在该项目调度弹出已知问题已得到修复。
标签: Minor bugfixes
A text/html MIME type has been added for file uploads has been fixed. A known issue in the item dispatch popup has been fixed.

Project Resources