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KMess is an alternative MSN Messenger chat client for Linux. Its strengths are integration with the KDE desktop environment, a focus on MSN Messenger specific features, and an easy-to-use interface.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-04-07 18:15

最明显的修复是图片浏览按钮,没有工作,为KMess 1.5提供Autopackage。联系图片可以显示联系人列表也和聊天窗口获得拼写检查支持。
标签: Minor bugfixes
The most obvious fix is the picture browse button, which didn't work in the provided Autopackage for KMess 1.5. Contact pictures can be displayed the contact list too, and the chat window gained support for spell checking.

2008-01-10 01:54

标签: Major bugfixes
File transfers have become stable while operating at full speed. The chat windows received some final updates, and the notification balloons have had a total makeover to make use of native KDE popups. This release adds the ability to send custom emoticons, and has the necessary improvements to make it stable, polished, and worth releasing.

2007-03-20 00:00

此版本修正了一些关键问题1.5 - pre1。最重要的修正补丁也被更好地支持文件传输的直接联系,并在聊天窗口中的链接。也有一些很好的改进,例如预览和文件传输,“现在玩”的信息。在聊天窗口有一些新的特点。以书面slashdot.org或dot.kde.org工程,以及链接。它可以禁用的轻推震动效应。
标签: Major bugfixes
This release fixes some critical issues in 1.5-pre1. The most important bugfixes are better support for direct file transfer connections and links in the chat window. There are also some nice improvements, like file transfer previews and "now playing" information. The chat window has some new features. Writing links as or works as well. It's possible to disable the shaking effect of a nudge.

2006-10-12 08:42

标签: Major feature enhancements
This is a preview release for some newly added
features. These include fast file transfers, the
ability to receive custom emoticons and winks,
support for offline IM messages, the ability to
receive and send nudges, the ability to set and
see personal status messages, rich colorful chat
styles, different emoticon themes, and visually
appealing improvements to the user interface.

2005-11-17 16:22

标签: Major bugfixes
Crashing bugs were fixed. This release also fixes
problems with the font selection in the settings
dialog, contacts without a display picture, and
new contacts adding you while you're online. A
translation for Slovenian has been added.

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