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Apache::Logmonster is a tool to collect log files from multiple Apache Web servers, split them based on the virtual host, sort the logs into chronological order, and then pipe them into a log file analyzer of your choice (Webalizer, http-analyze, AWstats, etc).


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-10-20 10:39 Back to release list

的用法示例被更新。阿常见问题增加了。 META.yml已更新为新的格式。电子邮件报告的格式增加了。该公司/模块/安装,Build.PL和示例/ daily_email_report.txt文件被添加。在,调试并没有被设置。在,一_progress分增加了。一个大规模的代码检修已完成。现在有102个,而不是23的测试套件不同的测试。所有功能,现在面向对象的。该文档已大大更新。该报告得到了加强。
标签: Code cleanup
The usage examples were updated. A FAQ was added. META.yml was updated to a new format. Email report formatting was added. The inc/Module/Install, Build.PL, and examples/daily_email_report.txt files were added. In, debug was not being set. In, a _progress sub was added. A massive code overhaul was done. There are now 102 different tests in the test suite instead of 23. All functions are now object oriented. The documentation has been significantly updated. The reporting has been enhanced.

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