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Middleman is a robust proxy server with many features designed to remove unwanted content, increase privacy, and to simply make surfing the Web a more pleasant experience. Some of the highlights include banner and popup blocking, HTTP and FTP content caching, NTLM and Basic authentication when forwarding through another proxy server, regular expression substitution in downloaded files and HTTP headers, regular expression substitution on requested URLs, many URL commands to temporarily change the proxy settings or to view information about a requested file, complete support for HTTP/1.1 including persistent connections and gzip encoding, and an intutive Web interface for configuring the proxy.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-03-12 02:33

标签: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes an occasional crash inside the prefetch thread, fixes a bug in transparent proxying, corrects the way the proxy daemonizes itself, corrects file permissions, and adds a new IP address filtering feature.

2004-02-19 13:46

此版本包括一个主要的设计改革,这对移动到C代码的最+ +类。它还增加了许多功能,除错和杂项改进。
标签: Major feature enhancements
This version includes a major design overhaul, which moves most of the code into C++ classes. It also adds many features, bugfixes, and miscellaneous enhancements.

2003-11-11 08:47

标签: Major bugfixes
A bug that prevented headers sent by the server (such as
Set-Cookie) that aren't handled internally by the proxy
from being passed onto the client was fixed. A memory
corruption bug due to the wrong amount of memory
being allocated for mime filtering entries was fixed. A bug
that prevented the proxy from using a forwarding proxy
with no ICP type was fixed. A port range option was
added to profile entries. Detection of content encoding
was fixed to handle servers that return multiple types.

2003-09-11 12:25

的ICP(互联网缓存协议)的支持增加了,从而有可能安排在一个层次结构,分享几个代理缓存的对象。现在可以指定多个目录缓存对象被存储。在'主机'和'文件'在大多数配置节选项被取消,有利于扶持/基于URL的禁用配置要求。阿的替代方案是增加了对由Apache 1.3的头发送不当引发错误时,tar.gz文件是由客户端不支持gzip压缩的要求。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Support for ICP (Internet cache protocol) was
added, making it possible to arrange several
proxies in a hierarchy and share cached objects.
It is now possible to specify multiple
directories for cached objects to be stored. The
'Host' and 'File' options in most configuration
sections were removed in favor of enabling/
disable profiles based on the URL requested. A
workaround was added for a bug triggered by
improper headers sent by Apache 1.3 when a
tar.gz file was requested by a client that
doesn't support gzip compression.

2003-08-20 19:43

标签: Major feature enhancements
A new feature was added that allows profiles to be added or removed from the current request based on the URL. This makes it much easier to enable or disable groups of entries in other sections together for certain sites.

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