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Mono Project is an Open Source implementation of the various ECMA and .NET framework technologies for Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows. The project includes a compiler, a class library, and a CLI runtime engine.


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2012-01-09 09:17 Back to release list

此版本更新,任务并行库。SQLiteConnection 现在可以设置线程模式。有一种改进的调试器协议。为 MSBuild 4.0 添加了基本的支持。NuGet 现在运行在单上。袋貂 3.0 现在运行单声道。对某些天青库的支持。对在一个静态的二进制文件中捆绑探查器的支持。探查器现在可以将其数据记录到任何文件描述符。SGen 现在已对执行 ToggleRefs 的对象系统的本机支持。移动配置文件现在包含 System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles。PerformanceCounters 为 JIT 统计的。Android CPU 计数。HashSet <T>现在可以序列化。
This release updates the Task Parallel Library. SQLiteConnection can now set the threading mode. There is an improved debugger protocol. Basic support has been added for MSBuild 4.0. NuGet now runs on Mono. Phalanger 3.0 now runs with Mono. Support for some Azure libraries. Support for bundling profilers in a static binary. The profiler can now log its data to any file descriptor. SGen now has native support for object systems that implement ToggleRefs. Mobile Profile now contains System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles. PerformanceCounters for JIT statistics. Android CPU count. HashSet<T> can now be serialized.

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