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OpenGTS (Open Source GPS Tracking System) is a full featured Web-based GPS tracking system for fleets of vehicles. It supports OpenLayers and other map providers, detail/summary reporting, and various GPS tracking devices.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-04-18 02:00

This release includes initial support for Polygon Geozones. Calendar configurations were improved. New Romanian and Greek language translations were added. The login has a new look-and-feel. Additional checks were added to the "CheckInstall" installation validation. Various bugs were fixed.

2009-11-02 13:26

This version includes customizable selection options for specific reports, the ability to email a report, and the ability to see created Geozones drawn on the device and fleet tracking maps. Romanian and Serbian languages have also been updated.

2009-10-08 00:53

标签: gps tracking
This version now includes sortable table columns on reports and admin pages, and descriptive pushpin "labels" on group map showing last known GPS location. Example GPS Tracking device 'template' server updates were made. Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

2009-08-25 17:08

此版本包括摩托罗拉i290 GPS跟踪支持。中继(全球定位系统交换格式)现在支持。葡萄牙,塞尔维亚和罗马尼亚增加了语言和土耳其语,西班牙语和德语语言的更新。 Java 6中和Tomcat 6人现在支持。驾驶/停止时的报告。进行了改进。谷歌的KML支持改善和文件已更新。
This release includes support for Motorola i290 GPS tracking. GPX (GPS Exchange format) is now supported. Portuguese, Serbian, and Romanian languages were added and Turkish, Spanish, and German languages were updated. Java 6 and Tomcat 6 are now supported. The Driving/Stopped time report. was improved. Google KML support was improved and the documentation was updated.

2009-05-06 02:36

这个版本有更多的状态代码。它补充“speedLimitKPH”/“isTollRoad”字段EventData。它增加了一个“validgps”参数的'事件'servlet的URL只允许有效的全球定位系统的位置。它增加了对“支持闲置”。它增加了“点火输入线”到设备信息。它增加了一个运行时错误指示'斌/'为'根'。 “汇总”行一代已被删除,从CSV报表输出。 'admin.bat此外'已得到修复工作大约Windows批处理文件处理的问题。还有更多的支持商业地名。
标签: Stable
This release has additional status codes. It adds "speedLimitKPH"/"isTollRoad" fields to EventData. It adds a "validgps" argument to the 'Event' servlet URL to allow only valid GPS locations. It adds support for "idle". It adds "Ignition Input Line" to Device Info. It adds an error indication when running 'bin/' as 'root'. "Totals" line generation has been removed from CSV report output. 'admin.bat' has been fixed to work around Windows batch file processing issues. There is additional commercial Geonames support.

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