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Outgun is a simple fast-paced multiplayer capture
the flag game in 2D top view. It favors teamplay
more than most team games: a map shows what every
teammate sees. Servers of up to 32 players are


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-05-25 21:36

标签: Major bugfixes
This release fixes many bugs, the worst of which caused crashes and error messages, others slow or buggy graphics. Among other things, it adds a server option for balancing uneven teams and includes many new maps.

2005-02-08 00:19

标签: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes many server-side bugs, some of which affected
clients. It adds support for more clients behind NATs and an option to
control player fadeout from the map.

2005-01-27 00:16

标签: Major feature enhancements
The most important changes from 0.5.0-E include "realistic" bouncing from walls and other players, prettier and more flexible maps, and overall more configurability. The look is improved by new menus, graphic themes, larger resolutions, and antialiasing. The network footprint is now even smaller, and some problems with firewalls have been avoided. Uncountable other smaller and larger improvements have been made.

Project Resources