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pmacct is a small set of passive network monitoring tools to account, filter, classify, aggregate, and export IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. A pluggable and flexible architecture allows storing collected network data in memory tables, RDBMSs (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, BDB), and flat files, and also export via IPFIX, NetFlow, or sFlow protocols to remote collectors. pmacct features fully customizable historical data breakdown, sampling, BGP correlation, tagging, and triggers. Libpcap, ULOG, sFlow v2/v4/v5, NetFlow v1/v5/v7/v8/v9, and IPFIX are supported data capturing methods.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-06-11 07:12 Back to release list

IPFIX的(IETF的IP流信息出口协议)探针,复制和收藏家能力已经被引入。威盛的sqlite3的BerkeleyDB的5.x的支持插件已被添加。它现在可以从一个缓慢的网关对象扩展的BGP相关的流量元(AS路径,本地优先,社区等)。支持已经推出的NetFlow v9/IPFIX源和目的地同行的ASN字段类型128和129。该pmacct客户端现在能够生产,除了格式化的文本输出逗号分隔值(CSV)的输出,减轻集成第三方工具。
IPFIX (IETF IP Flow Information Export protocol) probe, replication, and collector capabilities have been introduced. Support for BerkeleyDB 5.x via the SQLite3 plugin has been added. It is now possible to get BGP-related traffic primitives (AS Path, local preference, communities, etc.) from a slow Extended Gateway object. Support has been introduced for NetFlow v9/IPFIX source and destination peer ASN field types 128 and 129. The pmacct client is now able to produce Comma-Separated Values (CSV) output in addition to formatted-text output, easing integration with 3rd party tools.

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