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RPMAutoUpdate is an RPM update management and
reporting tool that can tell you exactly which
RPMs provide updates relevant to your system. It
is intended for systems administrators and


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-08-03 13:10 Back to release list

此版本增加了对抑制错误信息的支持,以及忽视的shell命令内部处理可能发生的故障,并试图继续吗。此外,为glibc的包网已扩大到包括新的Posix线程库(NPTL)封装。这与潜在的故障忽视现在允许RPMAutoUpdate正确更新默认的'一切'RedHat 9.0版安装全面修改,补丁准备用一个命令。
标签: Development, Major feature enhancements
This release adds support for suppressing error
messages, and for ignoring potential failures in the
internal processing of shell commands and attempting
to continue anyway. Also, the net for glibc packages
has been widened to include the New Posix Thread
Library (nptl) packages. This modification along with the
ignoring of potential failures now allows RPMAutoUpdate
to correctly update a default 'everything' RedHat 9
install to full-patch-readiness with one command.

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