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Son of Service is a Web-based, multi-user
volunteer management database for non-profits, schools, clubs, etc. It requires PHP and an arbitrary database (because it uses ADOdb abstraction). It supports a variety of software and hardware, including low-end systems.


System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-09 03:46

此版本添加了一份新报告,"由工作活动的志愿者小时",和更好地工作时 gettext 不可用。它将链接添加到谷歌地图。它设置默认值的列不能为 null (架构更改)。它使每一页式打印机友好,在 CSS 中,删除表格的边框和修复了 CSS 验证。它将删除已弃用 split () 函数。
标签: Stable
This version adds a new report, "Volunteer hours by work activity", and works better when gettext is not available. It adds a link to Google Maps. It sets default values for columns that cannot be null (schema change). It makes every page printer friendly, removes table borders in CSS, and fixes CSS validation. It removes a deprecated split() function.

2009-03-20 21:58

A bug that prevented administration via the Web interface was fixed. Compatibility with Microsoft Windows was improved.

2006-08-13 23:13

标签: Major bugfixes
An important file (config.php) was not included, but now is.

2006-08-04 19:00

标签: Minor bugfixes
HTML errors, downloading .csv reports, login variable names, and editing existing notes have been fixed. A feature has been added to import phone numbers from .csv.

2005-10-12 11:34

标签: Minor feature enhancements
The ability to easily import USPS National Change
of Address (NCOA) results was added. A few minor
new features and minor bugfixes were also added.

Project Resources