[Nxt-user] Is English blood. So the Autumn came, and still the papers continue

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Clankscales qeshm****@uwdom*****
2009年 8月 26日 (水) 23:25:48 JST

Young Withers visualised his dignified compradore the figure of fun to
irreverent American crowds. He sincerely wished to preserve him from
what he felt must be an unpleasant experience. He was even more anxious
to protect his old friend from what would probably be in store for him,
than through any selfish desire to retain his services. "Come back again
four month," observed Li. "Not long time. Want to go." Young Withers
sighed. It was impossible to explain to the old man. There were pitfalls
and pitfalls, he well knew. Yet he had never been to America himself, so
could not speak from experience. Only the evening before he had been
dining in company with a wise woman of sorts, a French lady who had
lived in a cave in T
-------------- next part --------------
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