[Nxt-user] of freedom and demo

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Dickman exter****@abeam*****
2009年 8月 31日 (月) 08:01:59 JST

 an opportunism, however, that must be sharply distinguished from what
Wilhelm Liebknecht used to call "political cow-trading." No man in the
whole history of international Socialism ever more thoroughly despised
this species of political opportunism than George Plechanov. To those
who are familiar with the literature of international Socialism it will
be unnecessary to say that Plechanov was not the man to deprecate the
importance of sound theory as a guide to the formulation of party
policies. For many years he was rightly regarded as one of the greatest
theoreticians of the movement. Certainly there was only one other writer
in the whole international movement who could be named as having an
equal title to be considered the greatest Socialist theorist since
Marx--Karl Kautsky. But Plechanov[1]--like Marx himself--set reality
above dogma, and regarded movement as of infinitely greater importance
than theory. The Mensheviki wanted to convene a great mass convention of
representatives of the industrial proletariat during the summer of 1906.
"It is a class movement," they said, "not a little sectarian movement.
How can there be a _class_ movement unless the way is open to all the
working class to participate?" Accordingly, they wanted
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