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An API for manipulating EDIF netlists in Java. We use this API to analyze netlists as a part of our FPGA reliability project. We intend to keep the API as general as possible to support other netlist analysis and manipulation activities.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0801876. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


作业系统: OS Independent

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Latest 5 files
名称 大小 日期 下载总数
RELEASE_NOTES.txt 2.7 KB 2009-10-01 06:51 24
JEdifTools-0.5.2.pdf 822.6 KB 2009-10-01 06:47 44
byuediftools-0.5.2_src.jar 4.5 MB 2009-10-01 06:46 15
byuediftools-0.5.2.jar 1.2 MB 2009-10-01 06:46 26
JEdifTools-0.5.1.pdf 814.2 KB 2009-07-10 05:04 48
proton (0.5.2)
RELEASE_NOTES.txt2.7 KB2009-10-01 06:5124
JEdifTools-0.5.2.pdf822.6 KB2009-10-01 06:4744
byuediftools-0.5.2_src.jar4.5 MB2009-10-01 06:4615
byuediftools-0.5.2.jar1.2 MB2009-10-01 06:4626
proton (0.5.1)
JEdifTools-0.5.1.pdf814.2 KB2009-07-10 05:0448
byuediftools-0.5.1_src.jar4.5 MB2009-07-10 05:043
byuediftools-0.5.1.jar1.2 MB2009-07-10 05:039
proton (0.5.0)
JEdifTools.pdf806.3 KB2009-05-21 02:0623
byuediftools-0.5.0_src.jar5.5 MB2009-05-21 02:068
byuediftools-0.5.0.jar1.2 MB2009-05-21 02:065
electron (0.4.1)
byuediftools-0.4.1_src.jar9.1 MB2008-12-02 08:545
byuediftools-0.4.1.jar2.4 MB2008-12-02 08:547
byuediftools-0.4.1.pdf414.0 KB2008-12-02 08:5235
electron (0.4.0)
JEdifTools-0.4.0.pdf413.2 KB2008-05-31 03:5126
byuediftools-0.4.0.tar.gz5.4 MB2008-05-31 03:517
byuediftools-0.4.0.jar1.4 MB2008-05-31 03:485
byuediftools.tgz2.7 MB2008-04-17 11:049