[tomoyo-dev-en 94] Re: Documentation

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Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Wed Jan 26 09:13:02 JST 2011

Jamie Nguyen wrote:
> 1) How is this added? I assume it is a script/cron job.

To add:

  svn propset svn:keywords Date filename1 [filename2 ...]

To confirm:

  svn proplist filename1 [filename2 ...]

> 2) Will anything break if I move it to the bottom of the page?


> 3) Can it be shortened to something like "Last modified: 25 Jan 2011"?
> I don't think it needs to be more verbose than that (unless you want
> to include the time as well). The current string is a little too long
> and I'm trying to make the web pages look a little "cleaner".

Sorry, I don't know how to shorten it. But I prefer current one because
it helps detecting multiple updates occurred within a single day.


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