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view3dscene is a browser for VRML (1.0 and 2.0) and X3D, and a viewer for other 3D model formats (3DS, MD3, Wavefront OBJ, and Collada are handled). It supports viewing the scene in the "Examine" mode and walking in the virtual world with features such as collision detection and gravity. Rendering is done using OpenGL. Many advanced 3D graphic effects are available, like mirrors (flat and through cube environment mapping), shadows (shadow maps and shadow volumes), GLSL shaders and more. The program can also convert files from 3DS, MD3, Collada and other formats to X3D and pretty-print VRML and X3D files.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-07-04 12:01 Back to release list

一切可以利用GPU的着色渲染,与每像素光照,完善的高光,等功效。凹凸映射和阴影贴图与多个光源现在,正确与所有纹理设置。到复合GPU着色器的新扩展的贯彻落实。在3DS,OBJ波前,COLLADA等转换到X3D 3.2实施。凹凸从3DS和波前OBJ引用的地图纹理现在处理。 X3D光源的“全球性”领域的支持。大灯可以自定义一个新的headlightNode延伸。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Everything can be rendered using GPU shaders, with per-pixel lighting, perfect specular highlights, and other effects. Bump mapping and shadow maps work with multiple light sources now, and correctly cooperate with all texture settings. New extensions to composite GPU shaders are implemented. Conversion of 3DS, Wavefront OBJ, Collada, and others to X3D 3.2 is implemented. Bump map textures referenced from 3DS and Wavefront OBJ are now handled. The X3D light sources "global" field is supported. Headlight can be customized by a new headlightNode extension.

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