[tomoyo-dev-en 85] Re: Access Logs

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Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Sun Jan 16 14:37:58 JST 2011

Jamie Nguyen wrote:
> I did not notice this 1st-step directory until you mentioned. The
> really useful part of 1st-step is the installation steps, which are
> different depending on package manager etc.

If we provide repositories like http://tomoyo.sourceforge.jp/1.7/install.html ,
that won't make big difference.

Should we provide binary packages for x86_64 (rather than x86_32)
for TOMOYO 1.8 because x86_64 is getting common?

>                                             The instructions simply
> differ depending on whether it is rpm or apt, so these could be
> inserted into 1.8/phase-1.html .

Yes, like we do in the above page.

>                                  Also information on how to set up
> audit logs is different per distribution, so these could be integrated
> into step 2.5 of 1.8/phase-2.html .

As ccs-auditd no longer requires command line arguments, we no longer need to
prepare a wrapper like http://tomoyo.sourceforge.jp/1.7/1st-step/ubuntu10.04/#l4 .
All we need to do is simply

  echo /usr/sbin/ccs-auditd >> /etc/rc.local


>                                     The other sections in 1st-step are
> just duplication of information. I think it is better to centralize
> into 1.8/phase-\$.html .

Yes, though restricting operations in gnome-terminal is an easy-to-demonstrate
example. Maybe make a movie and upload to YouTube?

> I like the tutorial-\$.html pages and they are an excellent resource
> (with nice artwork!).

Thank you. The tutorial-\$.html are an updated/translated version of a serial
in 12 installments ran in a book for Japanese IT engineers.

As I have not started providing binary packages for TOMOYO 1.8 ,
tutorial-\$.html for TOMOYO 1.8 are hidden from index page.
If it is better to start tutorial-\$.html as soon as possible (i.e. without
support for binary installation from repositories), let's start.

I corrected HTML syntax errors using htmllint service.
Most of errors have been corrected by now.
Also, I updated AKARI side.

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