
l4P5 (beta-003)2009-05-05 20:38
Loc (beta-005)2009-05-05 20:33
wrj4p5 (alpha-011)2009-05-05 20:41





Class Ship - the model of 3D-Space/Attitude

  1. * Class Ship, the model of partial space on the 3D space,
  2. * spanned from it's stern and star to it's bow and port
  3. * created by Classiclll, 7/28/2008
  4. Ship(Loc s, Loc b, Loc r, Loc h)
  5. //define with positions of stern,bow,starBoard, and bridgeTop,
  6. Ship(Tag frm, Loc h)
  7. Ship(Tag frm)
  8. Loc at(float f, float s, float h) // location at (s,b,u),
  9. // at(0,0,0):stern, at(0,me.length,0):bow, at(me.width,0,0):star
  10. Ship move(Loc to) // move stern to "to"
  11. Ship shift(Loc diff) // shift stern by "diff"
  12. Ship shiftI(Loc diff) // inverse shift
  13. Ship scale(float factor) // scale the size of me by factor
  14. Ship scaleI(float factor) // inverse scaling
  15. Ship rotate(Loc dir, float ang) // rotate me around the directonal vector
  16. Ship rotate(Rod ax, float ang) // rotate me around the ax (Rod, model of 3D line)
  17. boolean having(Loc pt) // is "me" having "pt" on myself ?
  18. float length() // length of me
  19. float width() // width of me
  20. float hight() // hight of me
  21. Loc stern() // location of the stern of me, the base position
  22. Loc bow() // location of the bow of me
  23. Loc starBoard() // location of the star of me
  24. Loc bridgeTop() // location of the bridge of me
  25. Loc fore() // foward direction of me, the unit vector
  26. Loc star() // right direction of me, the unit vector
  27. Loc up() // upword direction of me, the unit vector
  28. Rod keel() // front/end line of me, the Rod
  29. Tag sea() // horrisontal plane of me, the Tag
  30. Boolean equals(Object to)
  31. String toString()