Software Map Project List (17701 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
skamenu(freshmeat) skaMenu skaMenu is a menu browser. It's controlled with... 下载
personalwebmail(freshmeat) Personal WebMail Personal WebMail is a simple Web mail system t... 下载
fieryfilter(freshmeat) FieryFilter FieryFilter is an interactive desktop firewall ... 下载
pymt(freshmeat) PyMT PyMT is a Python module for easy access to Mova... 下载
ganim8(freshmeat) gAnim8 gAnim8 is a suite of tools for building and man... 下载
perlqt(freshmeat) PerlQt PerlQt-3 is a full-fledged object oriented inte... 下载
sf(freshmeat) StatFreak StatFreak is a generator of skinnable, customiz... 下载
aes(freshmeat) AlberT-EasySite AlberT-EasySite is a PHP-based site generation ... 下载
ntaim(freshmeat) nTAIM nTAIM is a feature-rich, curses-based TOC AOL I... 下载
ioperm(freshmeat) ioperm for Cygwin ioperm for Cygwin adds support for the ioperm()... 下载
jcola(freshmeat) JCola JCola is written in pure Java and allows you to... 下载
jpgtn(freshmeat) Jpgtn Jpgtn generates smaller JPEGs from larger ones.... 下载
contest(freshmeat) Contest The Contest program is designed to test system ... 下载
fltkutf8(freshmeat) FLTK-UTF8 FLTK-UTF8 is based on the FLTK 1.1.x widget lib... 下载
spinner(freshmeat) Spinner Spinner is useful for keeping telnet and ssh li... 下载
monkeychat(freshmeat) MonkeyChat MonkeyChat is a simplistic peer to peer chat pr... 下载
chessy(freshmeat) ChessY! ChessY! is a Java application that allows you t... 下载
modsql(freshmeat) ModSQL ModSQL is a project whose goal is to develop a ... 下载
wmmtr(freshmeat) wmmtr WMMTR is a Window Maker dockable program simila... 下载
calvin(freshmeat) Calvin Calvin is a simple PHP based calendar/reminder ... 下载
netx(freshmeat) Netx Netx (Network eXecute) is a JNLP (Java Network... 下载
udpm(freshmeat) User Dialog Perl Module User Dialog Perl Module is an OOPerl interface... 下载
foxtrot(freshmeat) Foxtrot Foxtrot is a small and powerful API for using t... 下载
cacheit(freshmeat) CacheIt CacheIt is a PHP class designed to facilitate c... 下载
p300drv(freshmeat) P300DRV P300DRV is Linux printer driver for the Olympus... 下载
iceme(freshmeat) IceMe IceMe is a graphical menu and shortcut editor f... 下载
gldesigner(freshmeat) glDesigner glDesigner is a GTK 2 GUI to work with OpenGL o... 下载
jabbertest(freshmeat) Jabber Test Suite The Jabber Test Suite is a suite of tools and ... 下载
phpticket(freshmeat) PHP Ticket PHP Ticket is a ticketing system for keeping an... 下载
maybeupload(freshmeat) MaybeUpload MaybeUpload is a Java language package intended... 下载
btn4ws_pl(freshmeat) (Buttons for Website) is a Gimp-perl ... 下载
cgiappgen(freshmeat) CGI::Application::Generator CGI::Application::Generator provides a means by... 下载
notftp(freshmeat) NotFTP NotFTP is a fully-featured and easy-to-use Web-... 下载
terrain(freshmeat) Terrain Terrain is a client/server system to visualize ... 下载
chiqchaq(freshmeat) Chiq_Chaq Chiq_Chaq is a friendly wiki clone for non-tech... 下载
dot_conf(freshmeat) dot.conf dot.conf is a simple configuration-file parser ... 下载
polip(freshmeat) Pol-IP Pol-IP is a full traffic control bandwith manag... 下载
gphoto2html(freshmeat) Gphoto2html Gphoto2html is a simple GTK-based application w... 下载
pmtc(freshmeat) Poor Man's TCO Calculator PMTC (Poor Man's TCO Calculater) gives you a ro... 下载
sur(freshmeat) Small Unit Raid Small Unit Raid is a non-OO database abstracti... 下载
jcfd(freshmeat) Java Client for Dict jcfd is a client for Dict servers (RFC 2229) wr... 下载
mioreaderlite(freshmeat) mioReaderLite mioReaderLite is a Japanese capable text reader... 下载
jyusecs(freshmeat) JYUSECS JYUSECS is a unit test tool for SECS (SEMI Equ... 下载
smartanalyzer(freshmeat) Smartanalyzer Smartanalyzer provides an ANT task and an API t... 下载
xmlboard(freshmeat) XMLBoard XMLBoard is an XML-driven multi-forum message b... 下载
swingpbc(freshmeat) SwingPBC SwingPBC (Swing Project Budget Consolidator) i... 下载
mathplot(freshmeat) mathplot mathplot is an interactive function grapher. It... 下载
jdai(freshmeat) Java Digital Album Infrastructure JDAI is a Java based infrastructure for digital... 下载
vvv(freshmeat) VeniVidiVoti Library A VeniVidiVoti Library is a web site where a co... 下载
rc4crypt(freshmeat) RC4Crypt RC4Crypt is a small yet extensive library that ... 下载
wmnetload(freshmeat) wmnetload wmnetload is a network interface monitor dockap... 下载
qish(freshmeat) Qish Qish contains a runtime library with a reusable... 下载
intelieditor(freshmeat) InteliEditor InteliEditor is a very lightweight, full-featur... 下载
formula(freshmeat) formula and libepe formula is mathematical expression and function... 下载
jfuzzylite(freshmeat) jfuzzylite jfuzzylite is a Java fuzzy logic control librar... 下载
spkgtool(freshmeat) Spkgtool Spkgtool is a software management system that u... 下载
ddmirror(freshmeat) ddmirror ddmirror is another script to mirror a Debian d... 下载
ccdoc(freshmeat) ccdoc Ccdoc is a Javadoc-inspired tool that automatic... 下载
pyqstat(freshmeat) PyQStat PyQStat is a fairly simple Python wrapper aroun... 下载
frog3d(freshmeat) frog3d frog3D is a simple 3DS file viewer. It is writt... 下载
tpassguard(freshmeat) TPassguard TPassguard is designed for working with Unix s... 下载
jwig(freshmeat) JWIG The JWIG programming language is a Java-based h... 下载
kuvert(freshmeat) kuvert kuvert automatically signs and/or encrypts outg... 下载
dbot(freshmeat) Dekadent Dekadent is an IRC bot coded in C. It features ... 下载
redhttpd(freshmeat) RedHTTPD Web Server RedHTTPD is a webserver that is not yet designe... 下载
pgfindfile(freshmeat) PostgreSQL File Finder PostgreSQL File Finder is an alternative to the... 下载
javachess(freshmeat) Java-Chess Java-Chess is a fully-featured chess program t... 下载
trio(freshmeat) trio Trio is a highly portable set of string functio... 下载
gql(freshmeat) GQL GQL is a C++ library for generic SQL database a... 下载
cygnome(freshmeat) CyGNOME CyGNOME is a project to port the GNOME desktop ... 下载
rdfworld_php(freshmeat) Rdfworld.php Rdfworld.php is a set of classes which convert ... 下载
javacodemaker(freshmeat) Java Code Generator Java Code Generator is an Eclipse plugin that ... 下载
smelt(freshmeat) SMELT SMELT (Simple Monitoring Evaluating and Logging... 下载
plb(freshmeat) Pure Load Balancer Pure Load Balancer is a high-performance softwa... 下载
mobimoon(freshmeat) MobiMoon MobiMoon can display the moon phase and Hijri d... 下载
vtsystem(freshmeat) VTek System VTek System (formerly Virtual Theatre System) i... 下载
tk500(freshmeat) tk500 tk500 is a multiplatform programming and clonin... 下载
nms(freshmeat) Notes Mail Statistics Notes Mail Statistics generates email usage rep... 下载
ecrm(freshmeat) eCrm eCRM is not an ordinary mailing list manager or... 下载
keystory(freshmeat) keystory keystory, by analyzing email history, gathers d... 下载
adeos4linux(freshmeat) Adeos nanokernel for Linux The purpose of Adeos is to provide a flexible e... 下载
ttr(freshmeat) Text Text Revolution Text Text Revolution is a text-based Dance Danc... 下载
sks(freshmeat) Synchronizing Key Server SKS (Synchronizing Key Server) is a full-featur... 下载
pathcalc(freshmeat) RF Path calculator RF Path Calculator helps calculate path attenua... 下载
i-spy(freshmeat) I-Spy I-Spy grabs and compares contents of FTP direct... 下载
facturier2(freshmeat) UNGI Facturier UNGI Facturier is a business management system... 下载
phpslash(freshmeat) phpSlash phpSlash is a port of the slash-0.2 code from P... 下载
phpwirelessmap(freshmeat) phpWirelessMap phpWirelessMap is a map system for a wireless c... 下载
mops_model_checking(freshmeat) MOdelchecking Programs for Security MOPS (MOdelchecking Programs for Security) is a... 下载
img2pdf(freshmeat) img2pdf img2pdf is a simple commandline utility to conv... 下载
openjgraph(freshmeat) OpenJGraph OpenJGraph is a Java library to create and mani... 下载
quoter_sgml(freshmeat) Quoter SGML Quoter is a simple tool (filter) that takes HTM... 下载
jnaphunter(freshmeat) JNapHunter JNapHunter, a GUI written in Java, retrieves th... 下载
djborg(freshmeat) DJBorg DJBorg turns your MP3 playlist into a personali... 下载
sd2xc(freshmeat) StarDock to XCursor StarDock to XCursor convertss StarDock CursorX... 下载
cheyenne(freshmeat) Cheyenne Weblog Cheyenne Weblog implements some of the standard... 下载
macmp3gain(freshmeat) MacMP3Gain MacMP3Gain is an AppleScript Studio application... 下载
p2z(freshmeat) P2Z P2Z converts Palm Memo, ToDo, Addressbook, and ... 下载
toolame(freshmeat) toolame Toolame is an optimized MPEG-1/2 Layer II audio... 下载
rcc(freshmeat) rcc RC is a dialect of C that adds safe, region-bas... 下载

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