Simple Project List Software Map

409 projects in result set
最后更新: 2013-05-15 21:51


Oddjob is a Java job scheduler and task automation framework. A GUI designer or XML are used to define a hierarchy of jobs. Sequential, parallel, and conditional execution (or combinations) allow for nearly any business process to be modelled. Oddjob can run on the desktop or on a server and uses JMX to control remote instances via an Explorer-style GUI. Basic Web-based monitoring is also available. It can be embedded in client code and is easily extensible via a simple API.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-02-22 08:33

NullLogic Groupware

NullLogic Groupware is a modular Web-based groupware and email system designed for contact management and event scheduling. Additional features include private messaging, public discussion forums, webmail, shared bookmarks, file sharing, call tracking, order processing, an XML-RPC API, and integrated POP3 and SMTP servers.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2014-06-16 08:29


etmTk is an event and task manager. In contrast to most calendar/todo applications, creating items (events, tasks, and so forth) in etm does not require filling out fields in a form. Instead, items are created as free-form text entries using a simple, intuitive format and stored in plain text files. Both a graphical user interface based on Tkinter and a command line interface are provided.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2009-09-08 08:34


phpMyTicket is an online box office software for theaters, festivals, and other venues. It includes an online shop, unlimited points of sale and ticket takers, e-tickets to print at home or at the point of sale, a Web interface, a patron database with powerful searching, and graphical seat charts. PDF tickets and email messages are fully customizable by templates. It is available either under the GPL or a commercial professional license.

最后更新: 2004-09-24 01:05


XPlanner is a Web-based project planning and tracking tool for agile development teams (using XP, Scrum, or another programming style). It is implemented using Java, JSP, Struts, and MySQL (with user-contributed support for other databases).

最后更新: 2013-10-19 02:11


WebCollab is a collaborative Web site for project workgroups. It aims to be easy and intuitive to use without being complicated or graphically intensive.

最后更新: 2013-02-09 23:32


Calcurse is a text-based calendar and scheduling application. It helps keep track of events, appointments, and everyday tasks. A configurable notification system reminds the user of upcoming deadlines, and the curses based interface can be customized to suit user needs. All of the commands are documented within an online help system.

最后更新: 2008-08-22 23:13


Compiere is an integrated ERP and CRM business solution for automating financial, distribution, sales, and service processes, including: financial management, purchasing, materials management, manufacturing, order management, project accounting, customer management, sales, service requests, ecommerce, reporting, and performance management. Compiere utilizes a powerful model-driven application platform that provides customers with unprecedented adaptability, rapid deployment, and low cost of ownership.

最后更新: 2021-10-05 16:53

EspoCRM - Open Source CRM

この CRM システムは、顧客サービスの向上し、売上増加を助けることができます。必要なソフトウェア: Web サーバーは、PHP と MySQL データベース サーバー。

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-12-02 10:44


Planner is a tool for planning, scheduling, and tracking projects.

最后更新: 2013-08-22 23:48


Collabtive is Web-based project management software. It is an alternative to tools like Basecamp. Features include projects, todo lists, tasks, milestones, files, timetracking, internal messages, and an AJAX based instant messenger combined through an intuitive user interface.

最后更新: 2012-03-30 12:19

Project'Or RIA

Project'Or RIA is project management software that tries to to gather in a single tool all functionality needed to organize your projects. It focuses on IT projects, but is also compatible with all kinds of other projects. The objective is to keep it simple and easy to use on a day to day basis.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2002-08-26 11:55


oTasks is a multi-user tasks management system, featuring a recursive and distributed task tree, an open user management system (everybody can create an account), and email notifications. It can be used as trouble-ticket system.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2010-11-17 22:16


ZEG, which stands for "Zero Effort Groupware", is a virtual appliance of SOGo intended to provide a complete out-of-the-box testing environment. SOGo is a collaboration suite (or groupware) with speed and scalability in mind. It offers calendaring, address book management, and a full-featured Webmail client along with resource sharing and permission handling. It also makes use of documented standards (CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV, vCard, and vCalendar/iCalendar) and thereby enables the use of many clients and the reuse of any existing infrastructure. The appliance is prepared to be imported in VirtualBox but can also used in VMWare.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-09-01 21:25

My Calendar

My Calendar is a lightweight, easy-to-use Web calendar. There is also an included email script that you can have cron run every day to remind you of upcoming appointments. It can also generate slick looking printable calendars in Postscript and Adobe PDF format. Microsoft Outlook schedules can be easily imported.

(Machine Translation)