Simple Project List Software Map

456 projects in result set
最后更新: 2003-06-03 04:21

Binary Diff (bdiff)

bdiff は (関連) 別のバイナリ ファイル、テキスト ファイルとはどのような"diff"と同様に 1 つのバイナリ ファイルを変換するために使用することができますパッチを作成するツールです。

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-09-13 04:19


Autodl2 is a simple to manage and extensible file
transfer system that can be configured simply
using a configuration file. The system is designed
to be lightweight and handle multiple file
transfer protocols. Currently only SFTP is
supported, though other systems can be added via a
plugin system.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-01-22 17:31

Magic Settings Wizard

Magic Settings Wizard is designed to quickly and
easily restore or backup your favorite
applications settings through an FTP location used
as a storage medium.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2008-01-27 16:09


bakonf is a tool for making backups of configuration files on GNU/Linux or Unix-like systems. It uses various methods to reduce the size of the backups it creates, and is designed to be useful for unattended remote servers.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2004-12-15 10:53


Syncmin は、2 つのシステム間でファイルを同期、Webmin モジュールです。ファイルの相違点のみコピー処理の速度を最適化するために rsync 同期技術が使用されます。

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2004-11-13 14:12


MEEP takes a "versioned" disk to disk backup.
"Versioned" means that in each backup, unchanged
files are hardlinks to the previous backup
version, hence typically at least 90% space is
saved. Source directories can be anything accepted
by rsync, and the target must be a local
filesystem directory. The word MEEP is an
abbreviation of Mobile Enterprise Enabled
Professional backup, none of which MEEP is. For a more polished implementation of the same idea, see the rsnapshot project.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2002-03-11 14:49


The purpose of zdisk is to have a kernel of your choice and a rescue system on one floppy or cdrom disk. Zdisk copies a kernel of your choice to a floppy and puts a rescue system on the same floppy, creating a boot/rescue floppy. The kernel can't be more than 1070Kb in size. Ramf-117.exe at the same site has a similar rescue system, except it comes with a IDE kernel.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2011-11-06 21:15


SafeHaven provides a new approach to backup. The basic idea is to store contents away once and forever. No two copies of the same contents will be saved by SafeHaven unless they are presented in two different formats, and even then, SafeHaven attempts to be as smart as possible, and will recognize the most common formats, including compressed files, archives, and ISO image files.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-08-23 01:50


Bitcoop is a peer to peer backup system that
enables the storage of files on remote computers.
The size of files depends on the quantity you wish
to share with the other peers. It is intended for
server farms that wish to backup data among

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2008-06-22 10:45

SEGA Dreamcast VMU Tools

PCのハードディスクとの間とのゲームの保存データファイルの転送を可能にする SEGA Dreamcast VMUのバックアップユーティリティです。

最后更新: 2001-11-11 00:35


NetBackup makes an incremental tar backup,
compresses it with b2zip, and symmetric encrypts
it using gpg. The changed backup data is then
transfered to an ftp server. This is useful for
people who have too much Web space, and too few

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2003-05-30 20:24


snapshot is a set of Perl scripts for creating, accessing, and
managing a repository of directory snapshots. Multiple snapshots of a directory can exist in a repository representing the state of that directory at different times. A snapshot repository can be local or remote, with remote servers accessed using SSH.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2013-09-19 04:07


Sbackup スイートは、Gnome デスクトップ用のシンプルなバックアップ ソリューションです。すべての構成は Gnome インターフェイス経由でアクセス可能です。ファイルとパスすることができ、除外直接またはローカルおよびリモートのバックアップがサポートされている正規表現。

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 1998-05-16 22:19


KBACKUP is intended for handling of backups no
matter whether they reside on disk or tape or even
in files. As most other backup programs available
today are either confusing the user with lots of
long command line options, or user friendly but not
powerful at all, the aim behind writing KBACKUP was
to provide a user friendly yet powerful backup
program. It is also intended to be kept compatible
to existing and well proven archive formats, so you
can restore your archives even if you should not
have KBACKUP around anymore.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-09-14 14:15


FauBackup uses a filesystem on a hard drive for
incremental and full backups. All backups can
easily be accessed by standard filesystem tools.
Later backups to the same filesystem will
automatically be incremental, as unchanged files
are only hard-linked with the existing version of
the file.

(Machine Translation)