Simple Project List Software Map

456 projects in result set
最后更新: 2002-08-02 19:09

SourceForge Backup Tool

Sbut (SourceForge Backup Tool) is a small Perl script to create backups of data (site data and MySQL data) stored on the shellserver.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2004-11-13 14:12


MEEP takes a "versioned" disk to disk backup.
"Versioned" means that in each backup, unchanged
files are hardlinks to the previous backup
version, hence typically at least 90% space is
saved. Source directories can be anything accepted
by rsync, and the target must be a local
filesystem directory. The word MEEP is an
abbreviation of Mobile Enterprise Enabled
Professional backup, none of which MEEP is. For a more polished implementation of the same idea, see the rsnapshot project.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2002-03-11 14:49


The purpose of zdisk is to have a kernel of your choice and a rescue system on one floppy or cdrom disk. Zdisk copies a kernel of your choice to a floppy and puts a rescue system on the same floppy, creating a boot/rescue floppy. The kernel can't be more than 1070Kb in size. Ramf-117.exe at the same site has a similar rescue system, except it comes with a IDE kernel.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2011-11-06 21:15


SafeHaven provides a new approach to backup. The basic idea is to store contents away once and forever. No two copies of the same contents will be saved by SafeHaven unless they are presented in two different formats, and even then, SafeHaven attempts to be as smart as possible, and will recognize the most common formats, including compressed files, archives, and ISO image files.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-08-23 01:50


Bitcoop is a peer to peer backup system that
enables the storage of files on remote computers.
The size of files depends on the quantity you wish
to share with the other peers. It is intended for
server farms that wish to backup data among

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-04-17 04:31


JdbcTool is a collection of command line utilities
for making your life easier when working with Java
JDBC databases. Included is jdbctool, an
interactive command line tool for executing SQL
statements, jdbcdump, which dumps the contents of
a database as SQL statements into a file, like
mysqldump, and jdbcload, which executes SQL
statements from a file (the opposite of jdbcdump).

(Machine Translation)