mysqltcl is the Tcl interface to mysql realtional database. It is the next version of mysqltcl1.53 (new contributor) with many new futures: Tcl8.0-Object support, Unicode support, configure support, no connection limitation, nested queries, handling of binary files (containing null values), and many extra commands: seek on result block, escaping of string, last inserted id, introspection of connection and query state, and query metadata (schema).
Ivy is a simple protocol and a set of libraries that allows applications to broadcast information through text messages, with a subscription mechanism based on regular expressions.
Ficl (Forth inspired command language) is an ANS Forth interpreter written in C. Unlike traditional Forths, this interpreter is designed to be embedded into other systems as a command/macro/development prototype language. Ficl provides object extensions that can be used to wrap methods and structures of the host system without altering them.
KobazScripts is a collection of Eggdrop TCL scripts including the following features: Quotebot, Infobot, TriviaBot, Botnet Control, Password Checking, Dynamic Configuration File Management, Database, Math, no manual Ops, and a Help system. Certain scripts require others to run.
JTcl is an implementation of Tcl (Tool Command Language) written in Java that implements a large extent of Tcl 8.4 syntax and commands, limited only by API restrictions of the Java Virtual Machine. It is based on the Jacl interpreter from the TclJava project.
相关项目 |
WordGenerator generates hypothetical words from specifications of their syllable structure. The user specifies the maximum length of the words in syllables, the abstract structure of syllables in the language (in terms of such units as consonants and vowels or onsets and rhymes), and the actual sounds that comprise each abstract class (e.g. the list of vowels in the language); WordGenerator then generates the words that conform to this specification. Such lists are useful to field linguists exploring the vocabulary of a language, and to designers of artificial languages.
相关项目Anthy, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, TOMBO, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab |
PD (Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMax, etc.).
Minkowsky is a combination of a calendar, address book, and task
management software. It is a client/server application; all data is
managed on a server and displayed on the client. It was designed to
manage calendars for small-to-mid-sized groups, so it lets you look
into other calendars to check who is available for a meeting. To each
address in the address book, a memo pad is associated to take memos
about phone calls, etc.
Visual REGEXP lets you easily design and debug regular expressions by providing a graphical visualization of the expression and its matches on a sample of your choice.
PLplot is a library of C functions that are useful
for making scientific plots from programs written
in a wide variety of languages. It can be used to
create standard x-y plots, semi-log plots, log-log
plots, contour plots, 3D plots, shade (gray-scale
and color) plots, mesh plots, bar charts, and pie
charts. Multiple graphs may be placed on a single
page with multiple lines in each graph. Different
line styles, widths, and colors are supported. A
virtually infinite number of distinct area fill
patterns may be used. A variety of output devices
and file formats are supported.
STAF (Software Testing Automation Framework) is a framework designed to improve the level of reuse and automation in test cases and test environments. Its goal is to provide a complete end-to-end automation solution for testers.
Linux Cluster Manager is a Beowulf cluster setup
and management tool. LCM can run bulk commands,
give real time performance and status monitoring,
search running processes, and provide system
imaging at a file or block level over the network.
Aejaks is a windowing toolkit for rapid
development of AJAX-enabled Web applications. It
combines the powerful simplicity of the Tcl
language with the Java-based Echo2
browser-independent windowing system. Aejaks
applications are written in a single scripting
language, without need to write any HTML,
Javascript, or CSS. It borrows from the Tk
windowing system, but is not directly compatible
with Tk. It runs on top of any Java Web server,
and can make use of any existing Java library.
ImPress allows you to create good quality documents using vector graphics. You can use ImPress within a web browser with the Tcl/Tk plugin. It's a reasonable desktop publishing and presentation tool in a small package designed for Linux and for integration with Ghostscript.
相关项目NyARToolKit, Separate+, MPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3 |