Unicycle is a PalmOS app for recording a woman's BBT
(Basal Body Temperature), and other personal data that
can be used for the "Fertility Awareness Method" (FAM).
相关项目Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-BE, gpx2shp, JYUGEM, Freeverb3VST |
GeneX Va is a gene expression database supporting storage and analysis
of Affymetrix GeneChip technology. It is designed to serve as a
secure repository and archive for many researchers' data. It is
typically expected to be installed as part of a microarray center; the
software is compact enough to install for a single department or even
a single user. It includes an Analysis Tree package which includes an
ever-expanding set of analytical tools, and has plug-in architecture
allowing easy expansion. The "Va" in the name stands for the
University of Virginia version, which is a total rewrite of what was
originally NCGR's GeneX.
GStatz is a utility for tracking cycles of
menstruation and for prediction of the next
period's date. You can also use this to keep
encrypted photos in a nice gallery.
CoaSim is a tool for simulating the coalescent
process with recombination and gene conversion
under the assumption of exponential population
growth. It efficiently constructs the ancestral
recombination graph for a given number of
individuals and uses this to simulate samples of
SNP and micro satellite haplotypes/genotypes. The
generated sample can afterwards be separated in
cases and controls, depending on the states of
selected individual markers. The tool can
accordingly also be used to construct cases and
control data sets for association studies.
The Finishing Scripts for Cluster Installations
handle specific post-installation configuration
that might not be convienent nor possible using
existing cluster installation methods. The usual
installation process is used to build a reasonably
configured node, and the system then reboots into
normal mode, achieves network visibility, and
executes the finishing script. The finishing
script handles all of the finer details of
installing packaged or non-packaged software,
tweaking installation, setting host/net specific
parameters/files, etc. It is controlled via a
single, easily modified script.
Linux Heart monitor is a collection of things to be able to
perform ECG and EKG using a simple circuit and a PC with a
sound card.
相关项目Separate+, NyARToolKit, SmillaEnlarger, MeCab, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Kradview is a viewer of images obtained from
different sources such as X-ray, NMR, and
DICOM-compatible imaging devices. Its aim is to be
an easy-to-use DICOM viewer with instant rendering
of images, no matter the size and the zoom of the
DICOM image. It allows medical professionals to
view X-ray images easily.
相关项目Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, XooNIps, CosmoDB |
Drugref is a collaborative effort to create and
maintain a database of pharmaceutical reference
information, tagged by language, country, and
reference source. A Web interface written in PHP4
allows the community of health professionals to
maintain and review content. The database
structure, implemented in PostgreSQL, is designed
to facilitate automated decision support.
"Tagging" allows one to import information from
any source in parallel, thus allowing drugref to
work as a generic interface to any kind of
(comercially or freely) available drug reference
相关项目Darik's Boot and Nuke, blanco Framework, pg_bigm, JYUGEM, Freeverb3VST |
Register Date: 2005-06-22 11:31
相关项目Gimias, Krokos, ODIN, LiveAtlas, XooNIps |
ProActive is a Java library for parallel, distributed, and
concurrent computing as well as mobility and security in a
uniform framework. It provides a comprehensive API and a
graphical interface and is based on an Active Object pattern, a
uniform way to encapsulate a remotely accessible object, a
thread as an asynchronous activity, an actor with its own
script, a server of incoming requests, a mobile and secure
agent, and a component with server and client interfaces. It
simplifies the programming of applications distributed over a
LAN, clusters, an intranet, or Internet GRIDs.
相关项目SmillaEnlarger, Darik's Boot and Nuke, SharpDevelop-jp, Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL), Amateras |
Register Date: 2002-07-07 18:03
相关项目phpGroupWare Japanese Project, ProjectLibre Project Management, jBPM, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE, GnuWin |
Register Date: 2002-05-11 11:41
相关项目Biomechanics, FusionViewer, ODIN, MEDILIG - Medical Life-Guard, Gimias |
Register Date: 2005-10-07 10:52
相关项目wxMaxima, Berry Linux, Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL), XooNIps, BestPractice |
Register Date: 2004-10-18 00:44
相关项目vcemed, Linux-HA Japan, FusionViewer, ODIN, G-language |
XooNIps is Neuroinformatics Platform Base System based on the XOOPS.
Register Date: 2005-02-15 14:42
相关项目Ludia, jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver, blanco Framework, pg_bigm, WPSPin |