Helios qmail is an advanced qmail distribution
based on qmail-sql. It has SMTP, SMTPS, POP3,
POP3S, IMAP, and IMAPS services, a content
scanner, antispoof and SPF support, SMTP-AUTH,
SMTP-after-POP/IMAP, a PHP5 API, and many other
useful tools.
相关项目Clonezilla 再生龍, PukiWiki, Properties Editor, Dumpper v.60.3, Amateras |
KInterbasDB is a Python extension package that
implements Python Database API 2.0-compliant
support for the open source relational database
Firebird and some versions of its proprietary
cousin Borland Interbase. In addition to the
minimal feature set of the standard Python DB API,
KInterbasDB also exposes nearly the entire native
client API of the database engine.
SnapLogic is a modular Data Integration Server based on REST principles.
Miningco is an automatic data-mining tool. It can analyse a table in a database and then automatically give you a list of remarkable rules to which your data complies. Example scripts are added for datamining on Nagios, Apache, and syslogd logging.
Easy Java Persistence (EJP) is annotation and configuration-free Java persistence with automatic object/relational mapping (A-O/RM), associations, and persistence tracking.
Oracle Toolbox is a collection of PHP scripts that permit you to
administer an Oracle database via your Web browser in a single
相关项目WordPress Plugins/JSeries, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Darik's Boot and Nuke, SmillaEnlarger |
The Simple components for Ada library provides implementations of smart pointers for automatically collected objects (using reference counting), object persistence, unbounded and bounded arrays of smart pointers, generic unbounded arrays of private objects and plain pointers, generic sets, maps, directed graphs, directed weighted graphs, stacks, and storage pools. It also includes table management, string editing, IEEE 754 support, and infix expression parsing tools. Implementations of some lock-free shared data structures are provided.
MySQL Query Browser is a database querying tool that combines the simplicity of a Web-browser-like interface with powerful features like multiple result sets on tab sheets, query history, storing query "bookmarks", editing and comparing resultsets, SQL script debugging, and more.
The mysqlard daemon collects MySQL performance
data in a round robin database using rrdtool.
rrdtool stores the data in a very compact way that
will not expand over time, and it presents useful
graphs by processing the data to enforce a certain
data density. The main goal of the package is to
help the database system administrator in tuning
the system for maximum performance. The package
also contains example graphing, cron, and PHP
Itzam is an embedded database engine that creates
and manipulates files containing keyed-access
records. Information is referenced by a
user-defined key value, and one or more indexes
(hash, B-tree, or matrix) may be combined with or
separated from data. Itzam is deliberately
portable and designed as a foundation for other
languages (C++, Python, and Java).
DBViewer Plugin is an Eclipse Plugin as a Database Front end . It connects with various Databases by way of JDBC Driver, The function to assume not DB manager (DBA) but developer (Developer) is offered.
Register Date: 2007-09-28 23:10
相关项目SQLite Viewer for Mac OS X, rktSQLite for PHP, ExtractData, OpenStaging, Vertrigo |
gcdb is an aesthetically pleasing MySQL/PHP billing database. It supports Customer, Payment, Invoice, Account, and Trouble Ticket entries. Meant for ISP, Hosting, or general billing.
Mondrian is an OLAP (online analytical processing)
database written in Java. It implements the MDX
language, and has support for JOLAP and XML for
Analysis. It reads from SQL and other data
sources, and aggregates data in a memory cache.
jTDS is a JDBC 3.0 type 4 driver for Microsoft SQL
Server and Sybase. It features high performance,
stability, and a complete JDBC 3.0 implementation.
相关项目MeCab, Amateras, SharpDevelop-jp, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE |
TkWiCe is a highly featured, easy to use, and multilingual software application for wine cellar management. It provides a fast overview of your wine bottles.
相关项目CosmoDB, Ludia, Darik's Boot and Nuke, MalonNote, pg_bigm |