statsd-c is a reimplementation of Etsy's famous/infamous "statsd" in C.
相关项目NetJFWatcher, Darik's Boot and Nuke, Nagios-JP, FOMAUSBDriver for Mac OS X, DeSmuME |
scikits.statsmodels is a Python package which provides a complement to scipy for statistical computations, including descriptive statistics and estimation of statistical models. The main included model categories are linear, discrete, generalized linear, and robust linear models, and, in time series analysis, AR, ARMA, and VAR. It also includes statistical tests mainly for regression diagnostics.
fswalker is an indexer and query tool for large filesystems. On large filesystems it is impossible to run tools such as du and obtain results in a reasonable time. fswalker crawls over a filesystem and populates a SQLite database containing information about each file. The fsq utility can then be used to query the database and obtain information much faster. It is intended that fswalk be run in a periodic manner so the sysadmin can monitor changes in the filesystem and produce reports.
The ServerUsage system collects and processes statistical information from computers running a GNU/Linux Operating System. It is composed of two subprojects, the ServerUsage-Client to collect usage statistics (via a SystemTap module) and send them to a remote server via TCP, and the ServerUsage-Server to collect all statistics from different clients and aggregate them in a SQlite database table. A PHP Web service is available on the server module to extract information or display graphics.
相关项目NyARToolKit, SmillaEnlarger, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, DeSmuME |
Jmat.js provides complex special functions, numerical linear algebra, and statistics in JavaScript.
MeanWalker is a library which provides functions to sample from probability distributions (and to build histograms, etc.). To do this it, provides a way to take samples using the Metropolis-Hastings method, as well as the Goodman-Weare method.
The Graphical Models Toolkit (GMTK) is a toolkit for rapidly prototyping statistical models using dynamic graphical models (DGMs) and dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs). It can be used for speech and language processing, bioinformatics, activity recognition, and any time series application. It features exact and approximate inference, many built-in factors including dense, sparse, and deterministic conditional probability tables, native support for ARPA backoff-based factors and factored language models, parameter sharing, gamma and beta distributions, dense and sparse Gaussian factors, heterogeneous mixtures, deep neural network factors, and time-inhomogeneous trellis factors, arbitrary order embedded Markov chains, a GUI graph viewer, and much more.
NetsGraph is a simple PHP class to generate statistical graphics from network data transfers. It accepts as input a list of samples representing the average network data transfer on a specified interval and is able to create native SVG graphics or PNG images.
PHP Clarke and Wright Algorithm is a class that can solve a truck routing problem with the Clarke and Wright algorithm. It attempts to solve the problem of determining the routes by which a given number of trucks with different weight and volume capacity will be dispatching deliveries to a certain number of clients distributed geographically within certain time windows.
The class takes as parameters the nodes of positions of each client, the demands of each client, a matrix of distance between nodes, and the capacity of each truck.
It computes the route for each truck, as well the time and distance to drive to each customer and the volume and weight to transport.
risg (Ruby IRC Statistics Generator) is an IRC logfile parser. It calculates all kinds of statistics from IRC log files and outputs them to many different formats such as XML or HTML.
相关项目和ジラ(Wazilla), UstAlert, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, TuxGuitar, DeSmuME |
statsmodels is a Python package which provides a complement to scipy for statistical computations, including descriptive statistics and estimation of statistical models. The main included model categories are linear, discrete, generalized linear, and robust linear, and, in time series analysis, AR, ARMA, and VAR. It also includes statistical tests mainly for regression diagnostics. statsmodels was renamed from scikits.statsmodels.
IFMon (Interface Monitor) displays the traffic, state, connection, and other information of a network interface as a small console window. The information for the network interface being monitored is obtained from the files in /proc to help simplify portability.
predictoR is a forecasting tool for time series. It uses the LTP (Long Term Prediction) R package and provides a Web interface through Rook, the internal Web server of R.
相关项目cdescent, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, ParticleFilter, OneSQLiteAdmin |
BitMeter OS is a bandwidth meter. It logs how much data is uploaded and downloaded from your system and records this information in an SQLite database. The database can be queried from the command-line or monitored in real time.
CloudBuddy Analytics is a Web-based tool that generates exhaustive statistical reports about your S3 bucket access. It has an intuitive interface for a rich user experience and takes care of enabling logging, fetching logs and generating reports. It can be configured for multiple S3 accounts, uses the AWStats engine, employs caching for faster reports, and gives details on bandwidth usage, visits, unique visitors, visit durations, last visits, days of week and rush hours (pages, hits, KB for each hour and day of week), domains/countries of visitors, and more.
相关项目iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger, OpenICA, MP3Gain, TuxGuitar |