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名称 大小 Rev. 时间 作者 Log Message
3D_R_plotting.R 11 k 349221fe4fcd 2007-10-15 18:52:26 iselllo I added some trivial modifications to...
3D_R_plotting_quick.R 8.98 k 01e8736b52e1 2007-11-10 02:11:41 iselllo I added 3D_R_plotting_quick.R which i...
AUC-golden-features.R 611 5f1fe4a12539 2014-02-24 05:28:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for binary classification whic...
FTA_growth_rate.R 11.2 k fb1142a13e93 2019-07-23 21:33:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications (explicitly savin...
FTAs_along_time.R 15.32 k 9a2e9b22d0cb 2018-10-31 00:23:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to some plots.
H2O_Benchmark.R 1.41 k a2c54ca76f7f 2015-05-18 22:54:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to use the H20 library from R.
Housiadas_T_profile.R 6.55 k 336ee2f3cf4a 2007-07-05 06:20:00 iselllo I modified the code Housiadas_T_profi...
LM-single-mode.R 3.83 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
R-vortex-inlet.R 381 bd1a2a18bbab 2007-01-11 19:50:28 iselllo I added the code R-codes/R-vortex-inl...
ROC.R 1.67 k 32542f868934 2010-04-20 21:32:55 lorenzo I added a small code able to calculat...
R_adj_fit.R 1.04 k 8df098408fc2 2014-03-17 01:42:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for finding (in two different ...
VDL_example.R 5.64 k 362b496852ab 2023-11-10 22:35:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a better plot of the LDA and ...
accountancy_etsy.R 1.64 k 5d36c5e195f3 2025-01-16 18:23:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the treatment of the date ...
aggregate-miscellanea.R 11.7 k 93e1937824e3 2011-11-19 19:51:09 lorenzo Some small modifications to the scrip...
aggregate_database.R 3.22 k ebacf24ce5be 2020-05-12 23:42:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A trivial correction.
aggregate_scoreboard.R 28.76 k 6f21c0f4adf8 2025-01-28 21:59:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified the paths of the input and...
aggregator.R 11.09 k 5d26d667526f 2011-02-03 03:18:40 lorenzo I fixed a bit the code to make it abl...
all-plots-template-public.R 104.84 k e51381069dbd 2017-06-28 17:12:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I use my library for all the auxi...
all_plots_dash.R 30.33 k 4e58f172310f 2019-04-02 22:18:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added new plots and commented out ...
ameco-plots.R 5.39 k 7ce283aba8eb 2014-08-12 00:55:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot the AMECO data to pred...
analysis-airport.R 6.38 k 7350ceba25e2 2009-07-02 17:40:21 isella I simply removed a couple of lines de...
analysis-fixed_tags.R 8.05 k 420f44285286 2010-10-19 23:09:29 lorenzo I added some extra diagnostics to the...
analysis_EBP.R 21.18 k c6f3855bdf9f 2013-01-08 03:20:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I just removed the command scale_x_co...
analysis_contacts.R 13.61 k cc2ac4fa711d 2009-08-29 02:01:21 lorenzo Now the code can automatically print ...
analytical-solution-delta-x-t.R 4.16 k 67f1941857b7 2008-10-29 17:52:34 iselllo I added a needed ".R" extension to an...
analyze-agg.R 16.74 k 9ab73cdfc665 2016-03-09 18:58:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I also modified a function for collec...
analyze-transactions.R 5.26 k 9dbc6c80a640 2014-12-15 04:41:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to use caret + randomForest. I...
analyze_betweenness.R 4.42 k 577b30109726 2020-11-19 21:38:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed a typo and added a diagnostic.
analyze_fragments.R 3.51 k 1551d45aacc1 2020-11-16 23:35:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I avoid recycling the same variable n...
analyze_infected_networks.R 29.36 k 640ec6882296 2010-06-02 20:31:33 lorenzo Minor modifications to these codes (e...
analyze_network_in_dublin.R 47.13 k 43281b3d9734 2010-11-03 18:54:42 lorenzo I am now saving the overall weightlis...
animate-cars.R 3.59 k c4fb9b1f1001 2019-07-04 04:19:24 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added two codes using gganimate to ...
animate_shares.R 1.57 k 518d8cf49795 2019-07-04 06:21:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Another code using gganimate.
animated_gif.R 1.65 k 2a003669eac5 2016-09-21 23:24:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to generate an animate...
animated_time_series.R 788 2818680f5e2c 2019-10-25 18:28:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A visualisation about animated time s...
app_aggregated_cdc.R 5.15 k 8c05b257e130 2020-04-24 20:19:15 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use the date as a hard-coded va...
app_cdc.R 7.74 k 8c05b257e130 2020-04-24 20:19:15 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use the date as a hard-coded va...
app_cdc_hs0.R 2.53 k e4d4ca75addf 2020-05-12 06:30:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A shiny app to select and retrieve th...
app_fdi.R 6.19 k 661fd13fd191 2020-10-30 22:27:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the app.
app_fdi_quarterly.R 7.06 k 09a903a931ad 2020-02-07 23:56:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the code since I now downlo...
app_fdi_viz.R 9.31 k 5ca4304d961e 2020-04-01 22:58:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the code to visualise the F...
app_fdi_viz_test.R 13.87 k 02741dc2047d 2020-01-13 22:01:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a link to the stackoverflow q...
app_hist.R 295 5d7e7c79af13 2020-01-07 19:56:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A shiny app to create a histogram wit...
app_hs0_hs2.R 10.8 k 90b987385872 2020-06-08 19:29:36 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now import fewer libraries, i.e. on...
app_itc.R 10.91 k 58458b142643 2020-01-23 17:54:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> More work and improved table formatting.
app_phone.R 1.2 k 8f6c1d465437 2020-01-08 21:28:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A shiny app with a dropdown menu to p...
app_time_series.R 14.93 k 28a1ffba1532 2020-01-12 05:38:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a button to download the data.
arial.R 2.17 k 786424129712 2010-08-06 20:07:46 lorenzo Simple snippet showing how to use ari...
arima_simple1.R 2.27 k 5cabe85be9d9 2022-11-24 03:37:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A part of the code got lost!
arima_simple1_parallel.R 4.36 k 753a0d2ce999 2022-12-12 22:58:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code now self-contained with all the ...
arima_simple2.R 2.18 k 216dae6044dc 2022-09-05 21:57:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the codes.
arima_simple2_parallel.R 4.37 k 1b8f8131ba0d 2022-12-12 22:59:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code seld-contained.
arima_simple3.R 2.54 k bf04bbe33967 2022-09-05 21:58:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified one code.
arima_simple3_parallel.R 5.1 k 6cf0f5ce836f 2023-01-28 04:07:45 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Small modifications for the new dplyr...
artwork_function.R 1.84 k bd17fd027114 2023-02-07 17:52:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> MUCH better to output a pdf instead o...
atos-geo-viz.R 10.39 k f40bcae32a93 2014-10-21 07:36:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code which makes it easy to generat...
attractor1.R 2.18 k 518c5c21924f 2023-03-03 22:14:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code for a new attractor.
average-score.R 19.42 k 4251f3d705ef 2017-03-30 04:24:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added further plots to this script.
aws-analyse.R 1.65 k 3519f9928ecf 2015-11-05 05:32:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the syntax to use a custom me...
aws-analyse_xgboost.R 1.41 k fa5b0c04b402 2015-12-20 07:19:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code showing how to use xgboost and...
benford_tam.R 4.09 k 984aee773e1d 2021-12-17 23:44:36 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a percentage scale.
berd-fitting.R 6.46 k d43bd155ab5d 2014-03-13 01:51:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to fit the BERD time series an...
berd-now2.R 5.03 k 8f3eb85a3e66 2014-08-09 01:29:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code which shows how to combine sev...
berd-pie-chart.R 14.34 k d4225c9b92a7 2015-05-06 22:29:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate some pie charts us...
berd-regression.R 3.49 k 830df832cb55 2017-01-25 19:13:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple code which shows change dete...
bert_aggregation_sqlite.R 4.39 k 689a64c758e7 2013-05-21 03:20:45 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I introduced some functions to expres...
beta_fitting_test.R 1.03 k d98741928ecb 2017-12-21 19:57:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code showing how to fit a beta dist...
big_box_plot_extra.R 5.61 k 3412b2355e0d 2011-01-28 01:55:17 lorenzo Simple modifications to one of the ge...
big_boxplot.R 31.57 k c81881fde932 2011-01-26 20:26:32 lorenzo I am now saving in data files some qu...
big_boxplot_fictitious_roles.R 29.15 k a2d2eddb9158 2011-01-14 23:09:02 lorenzo Minor improvements to the plots.
binomial-fitting.R 1006 3e092578fed8 2011-11-19 19:49:51 lorenzo I added a small script (thanks to hel...
blood_mlr_xgboost.R 1.89 k 087a67abfafb 2016-12-07 01:56:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for classifications using xgbo...
bootstrap_glmnet.R 3.88 k 8e5452f39c56 2017-04-11 00:04:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I must have made some mistakes becaus...
border_cyprus.R 1.41 k 795c35c4338a 2023-01-05 21:26:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed a part which was no longer ...
boruta_feature_selection.R 428 c0dd1d7a80f1 2016-11-08 19:29:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to perform feature selection w...
boxplot_from_list.R 1.08 k 12f9c8761774 2009-12-05 02:52:17 lorenzo This is an example about how I can ge...
boxplot_test.R 17.62 k 77a81868e921 2010-01-29 08:33:57 lorenzo Now the code also calculates the stre...
break-bifurcated_network.R 3.77 k ada272599e1d 2015-03-18 19:48:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now remove a single link also from ...
break-clusters-by-generation.R 8.23 k d3b6ad81cb64 2015-02-16 04:12:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to break a single link...
break-distros.R 1.35 k 85fcdf197446 2016-06-10 22:56:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A function to aggregate points in 1D ...
break-linear-chain.R 5.14 k 4943011e3574 2015-03-07 04:08:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications and I am now savi...
break-point.R 2.29 k 9f2b90487213 2016-12-22 00:49:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to detect the changepoints of ...
brexit_cars.R 38.59 k 6a7142a6a451 2018-03-08 21:45:45 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now save a table with some data.
bulldozer_analysis.R 7.27 k 81460971717c 2013-02-05 08:32:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed a comma, but probably this ...
bulldozer_analysis_parallel.R 4 k 058e4937091f 2013-04-06 20:21:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the codes and improved the ...
bulldozer_overall.R 132 72998bb9c97b 2013-02-10 10:20:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the code to run the 2 bulldoz...
c50-blood.R 5.11 k 09945d253eee 2015-05-13 01:36:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to use C50+caret for binary cl...
calculate-embeddings.R 1 k c11eafc0c994 2024-06-29 06:23:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> This script calculates some embedding...
calculate_coin_gains.R 967 ef67ffd09338 2024-01-18 04:34:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> These are new codes to process the tr...
calculate_slip_from_PA.R 4.47 k 0eca3f042fd7 2013-03-20 06:16:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Just saving an extra column in the cs...
calculate_text_distances.R 22.13 k 3d8e2105b64c 2024-06-26 05:47:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Several ways to get a distance matrix...
car_analysis.R 20.19 k 9de971a7beaa 2017-07-29 18:15:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added to codes to analyze a stata d...
car_network.R 32.88 k bcb2ed4ae814 2018-01-24 00:58:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I really save what I need.
car_reduced.R 5.1 k 9de971a7beaa 2017-07-29 18:15:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added to codes to analyze a stata d...
car_riverplot.R 4.73 k 982415a7a485 2018-01-24 22:35:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another plot.
caret-importance.R 1.6 k 3471891d6fd1 2011-04-06 00:16:47 lorenzo A code implementing one of the exampl...
caret_berd.R 8.5 k 07fac09945eb 2018-10-17 00:21:36 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A tiny modification to make sure that...
caret_berd_tidy.R 2.67 k 26853cd458a7 2019-05-02 19:03:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now set the seed only once in the c...
caret_gerd.R 8.51 k 1bce5c628878 2018-11-15 05:58:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Codes to deal with GERD. The code to ...
caret_kernel.R 1.6 k f2297ea98288 2019-10-02 05:20:58 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code using caret and kernlab for bi...
caret_several_learners.R 4.45 k 5b9756e66206 2017-06-14 18:29:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added extra learners.
cars_US.R 16.87 k c1b1d922a613 2018-04-12 22:21:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed the two new themes in stat_li...
cars_to_US_from_EU.R 18.89 k 84b66331cabd 2019-05-20 20:02:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I just changed as.tibble ---> as_tibb...
claim_h20.R 3.51 k 6a454117fde0 2016-11-03 23:03:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to tune with grid random searc...
claim_h2o_glm.R 1.3 k 4530497c91ce 2016-11-08 19:30:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to perform elastic net tuning ...
claim_mlr_xgboost2.R 1.76 k 9b7861dc98bf 2016-12-07 06:48:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added repeated cross validation, bu...
clean-test_loan.R 713 f8c714501820 2014-02-11 05:54:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the code to clean the test da...
clean-train_loan.R 1.81 k 659e161ca329 2014-02-16 05:46:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I made some adjustements and I make s...
clean_and_split_data.R 4.17 k eb3438180a56 2014-03-07 20:03:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to aggregate the data for the ...
clean_fta_list.R 1.05 k f762c6acbfd6 2018-10-12 23:39:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate a cleaner FTA list...
clean_scoreboard.R 1.59 k 58bdda60df96 2024-08-30 17:13:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added an automatic exploratory data...
clean_spanish_tam.R 4.56 k 19d24bae1c4a 2023-10-04 18:51:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modification: I now read 3 csv ...
clean_tam.R 1.38 k b28f27062287 2021-05-26 20:52:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to clean TAM data.
clean_tam_new.R 2.56 k 413e3df47380 2022-01-03 06:07:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I save also a reduced tam file.
clean_text.R 1.04 k fc61ccc61df4 2024-07-19 22:58:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed a bug (I used to save twice t...
cleaning_correspondent.R 7.74 k 409000339ae2 2013-05-21 03:19:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code to perform some data cleaning fo...
cluster-colors.R 29.65 k 4017694f7c3f 2017-01-19 23:44:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added new manual cuts for the heat ...
cluster-intersectoral.R 3.19 k e4ab4eee5517 2016-05-20 22:53:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A new clustering exericise with a 2D ...
cluster-series.R 27.63 k e35712128414 2015-08-10 19:17:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added an option to highlight the de...
cluster.R 1.01 k f7e4f794268c 2008-01-08 01:51:29 iselllo I added the code cluster.R; it genera...
cluster_exports.R 4.72 k 4779227cc972 2017-08-21 23:47:48 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the labels (I used a label...
cluster_frag_stat.R 3.85 k 6a3311f5ffd9 2020-11-17 21:25:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use the furrr library to speed ...
cluster_functions.R 1.39 k 79b88f6a9b89 2008-01-14 04:27:48 iselllo Now cluster_functions.R also saves so...
coin_prices.R 6.12 k 5d16d7d1bbeb 2024-02-18 02:02:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed an error in the title.
combine_all_fragmentation_data.R 7.39 k bed186c5cd21 2020-12-27 05:31:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now keep only one (very large) table.
combine_eurostat_data.R 2.23 k b0df54d58397 2014-02-07 23:40:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I shifted the order of some columns o...
compare-aggregations.R 15.72 k 687ba42cd1b7 2011-02-03 22:13:26 lorenzo I added a code to compare the aggrega...
compare-disintegration.R 3.67 k 12725a24b9a9 2015-03-07 05:02:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot the results of the dis...
compare_frag_distr.R 3.81 k 6b815415950c 2017-12-21 23:31:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I mention explicitly all the librarie...
compare_growth_rates.R 2.46 k a2c4b313ba20 2018-10-31 00:25:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot the growth rates.
compare_growth_rates2.R 31.58 k d5346f31da1b 2019-01-12 01:07:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I also save some extra data as ta...
compare_macmap_cdc.R 5.34 k 0f601b793d74 2017-09-29 16:31:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to carry out some plots for so...
compare_tam.R 2.29 k 5b5e973bef79 2022-10-21 16:06:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I file to work with parquet files wit...
comparison_analysis_contacts.R 13.47 k b7c7871e9770 2009-09-02 00:03:17 lorenzo I added a code to plot and compare 2 ...
comparison_t_ab_ac.R 7.08 k 799e95dd7aef 2010-07-13 21:46:51 lorenzo I included an extra dataset in the code.
comparison_visit.R 10.3 k 52624239f297 2009-09-02 02:19:35 lorenzo This code has been used to visualize ...
compose_big_data.R 2.94 k e3bcb09d8e1c 2017-09-05 00:04:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply added a small test (changed ...
consolidate_list.R 5.97 k 9bbf97f59990 2024-12-17 22:37:45 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a script to handle the variou...
consumption_household.R 72.99 k b3ad6d9afce4 2018-01-16 23:59:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the script and added a new ...
contained_indicators.R 9.27 k 06aeb15a234e 2024-05-15 17:25:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained calculation of inequ...
convert-format.R 298 5dc5bca48f99 2010-11-05 03:41:27 lorenzo I added a file to convert a network i...
convert_to_json.R 1.08 k 0eeb2777a249 2022-09-28 16:00:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to generate and save ...
convex-hull.R 2.8 k 0eca87d436dd 2016-07-27 18:46:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Major improvements to the visualizati...
correct_isis.R 4.06 k 4fb846d53255 2021-04-21 21:23:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to fix some typos in the ISIS ...
count_block_notifications.R 3.05 k fabe872cb0cc 2022-09-08 18:34:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the script.
count_missing.R 752 f16cd4876251 2017-04-11 18:21:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A function showing an application of ...
count_rows.R 1.51 k ece876885445 2008-07-28 18:53:26 iselllo I added the code count_rows.R which c...
counter_analysis.R 6.4 k 21d88cdb9499 2013-05-03 15:44:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now the code reproduces entirely the ...
country-fiche-from-oracle.R 8.2 k ea6129ac84c6 2013-12-04 18:15:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another couple of indicators ...
country_fiche.R 10.02 k 6d251fb28c86 2013-10-29 22:23:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I finalized the code for the generati...
covid_keywords.R 1.05 k 5217fd1650be 2021-06-04 21:04:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script showing how to filter the tr...
covid_process.R 7.85 k 9c4265eca014 2022-01-02 22:27:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I revised the plots and the statistics.
covid_totals.R 4.17 k b8ee1cf10393 2023-05-11 22:32:48 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to calculate some covid stats.
create-structures.R 1.23 k 56a43562e98b 2015-03-18 19:43:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to generate some stru...
create_aggregate_and_graph_list.R 3.14 k b1c54bfd77e8 2020-12-09 21:15:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another function to select a ...
create_csv_sdmx.R 46.88 k e946b59fa3b6 2023-05-05 19:27:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use also another file for the u...
create_database.R 856 d5f25c14bbc3 2020-12-21 23:04:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a new script which generates ...
create_kpi_grow.R 4.29 k 8abc5e0d1aa9 2024-12-19 19:48:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some new statistics about env...
create_tam_parquet.R 8.04 k a52506589994 2024-10-05 00:43:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now read directly the tsv file with...
create_trade_net.R 19.58 k 45b7f8b99df2 2018-10-12 21:40:24 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I just save the cleaned FTA list as a...
cubist-caret-metric.R 1.77 k 2eda59d8dadb 2015-11-05 01:20:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script showing how to implem...
cubist-test-mlr.R 828 53e2afb4ae19 2016-12-16 04:55:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self contained example of Cubist an...
cubist_extract_rules.R 10.84 k 8f7b179d8e78 2020-12-11 18:06:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example about traini...
custom_network_snapshots.R 16.64 k 3fa65fe57eed 2010-11-03 22:24:32 lorenzo I simply changed the extension of the...
d_f-from-filter-mass.R 539 f50de06af0a3 2007-06-27 22:54:57 iselllo I added the code d_f-from-filter-mass...
dashboard2.R 7.03 k 2f8e717aa593 2019-03-27 00:53:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Scripts where I combine the plots via...
data-market-downloader.R 19.36 k 9349e087151c 2013-12-06 02:32:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed the source for the total po...
data_cleaning.R 7.57 k 058e4937091f 2013-04-06 20:21:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the codes and improved the ...
database_dbplyr.R 693 9cfd80ce73ca 2019-06-13 20:17:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A file showing how to work with dplyr...
dea-example.R 4.18 k f456e55d1b67 2016-07-29 22:37:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to one plot.
deepseek_search_retrieve2.R 6.25 k e7ea6f8f3b33 2025-01-30 06:08:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to query the data portal and r...
degree-vs-kf.R 8.92 k 6f131a48a3ab 2011-03-16 06:45:52 lorenzo I added an extra plot to the script.
dengue_mlr_xgboost.R 2.32 k 93d4678fc69d 2017-05-10 00:35:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Working code with xgboost and mlr wit...
detailed_comparison.R 28.29 k 2370351c582e 2010-11-03 18:53:54 lorenzo I modified a bit the script to avoid ...
detect_ntm_outliers.R 29.95 k f01618e88a82 2019-06-04 00:58:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> More plots and statistics added.
dg_grow_checks.R 3.17 k 76e5fbf017c9 2025-01-15 16:54:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed the brief message for the f...
dimitris-example.R 28.47 k 87b26fdd105a 2016-04-06 00:41:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a self-contained code with se...
dismantle_network.R 24.8 k adb22388e65d 2010-04-15 21:29:28 lorenzo Minor modifications to these code whi...
disparity-data-mining.R 2.55 k 8dfa6b27f5ee 2011-03-30 21:58:06 lorenzo I included the calculation of the clu...
distribution_PA_chain.R 8.08 k fde7dc791693 2013-08-19 06:16:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to calculate some statistical ...
dowload_spanish_data.R 1.52 k 87125d8187f6 2024-11-08 17:15:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I have a single file to download ...
download-data-rjsdmx.R 6.27 k 9126c779d33f 2014-09-20 00:05:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Two codes to plot and download data. ...
duckdb-parquet.R 1.04 k 6f44e88a0cb6 2023-09-22 04:11:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a couple of R scripts to deal...
duckplyr_test.R 837 755b11e0bd67 2025-01-03 03:35:54 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I can now choose whether to run the l...
duration_analysis.R 1.09 k 759e5fc884a6 2022-10-18 23:41:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to analyse in detail the durat...
dynamic_world_map.R 3.7 k 7129f85a0df6 2019-12-02 08:51:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed a bug. Now Europe is visible.
edquist-dea.R 8.89 k 9d18d4e48594 2016-08-03 23:45:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to make efficiency plots (incl...
edx-exercise10.R 4.39 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise11.R 1.11 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise11bis.R 3.53 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise12.R 3.79 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise2.R 1.69 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise3.R 1.59 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise4.R 3.98 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise5.R 2.14 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise6.R 3.32 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise7.R 2.54 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise8.R 498 a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-exercise9.R 6.08 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-final_exam_part1.R 6.37 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-final_exam_part2.R 2.46 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-practice1.R 3.02 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
edx-practice2.R 1.92 k a67dcd0d0997 2013-01-17 04:31:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added all the scripts I developed f...
efficiency-calculator-edquist.R 22.47 k 53ac9002c7c6 2015-10-27 19:28:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a part of the code to calcula...
elegant_replace.R 660 bf2496664035 2020-10-15 21:58:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I used the "pull" dplyr verb to extra...
entropy_lempel_ziv.R 2.71 k 2b6140346dcb 2010-09-23 01:40:01 lorenzo Minor modifications to the code (now ...
errors_vs_time.R 3.4 k fe49f064af61 2007-08-14 20:35:53 iselllo I re-fixed errors_vs_time.R and the d...
escher_viz.R 3.5 k 2b2558bb9ea7 2021-10-01 18:07:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A computer generated version of a pos...
etsy_scraper.R 8.53 k 5249e9126f39 2021-10-06 21:37:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now sort the keywords
etude-marche-analysis.R 4.53 k 9450e08823cf 2015-07-24 05:55:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple code to generate some stacke...
eurofund.R 8.12 k 270df40bc2f5 2017-08-23 00:03:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I cleaned up the code and I added an ...
europa_rectangular_data.R 2.49 k c2dc1be9243f 2025-01-17 21:32:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> This script run queries on data.europ...
eurostat-download-and-subset.R 55.58 k a99a557d0dad 2014-07-12 00:56:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed the name of a variable (to ...
example-atos.R 14.17 k fbe9bcdfe068 2014-10-29 22:31:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a plot with barcharts and dot...
example-single-map.R 8.64 k 5e0ee879af19 2015-08-13 23:30:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simplified code to generate an EU m...
explore-data.R 6.29 k 03ce8897741e 2015-04-16 00:47:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A new code to explore the data and so...
explore_labels.R 11.87 k 5de46eb7bec4 2024-07-06 04:10:48 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I rewrote part of the script.
explore_training.R 5.22 k e9047b9219c5 2014-10-14 04:22:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code where I use caret+random Fores...
export_table_pdf.R 994 0872acafe8ae 2019-10-03 04:47:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Very useful script directly producing...
extra_script_public.R 7.98 k 476b10532948 2016-04-04 23:51:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the label plot.
extra_script_public2.R 12.22 k 1cbcf2c73c16 2016-04-06 21:35:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified the geom_label_repel call ...
extract_keywords.R 3.66 k e72e4d3f6314 2024-06-19 16:33:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to extract keywords from a tex...
fdi_poland.R 9.67 k 53c2c5fba913 2018-04-26 23:35:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to answer a question about exp...
fdi_process_new.R 3.51 k d0878d6ebab4 2020-04-28 17:56:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the label file...
fdi_rank.R 3.95 k 15549d57753c 2019-10-31 19:12:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now changed the name of the input f...
fdi_rank_eu27.R 8.05 k eb6a29c01543 2019-11-04 19:33:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I save more results into an Excel file.
fiche_comparison.R 3 k 90fc77b0d60e 2022-09-13 03:21:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the code.
filter_GIs.R 1.79 k 487c57d5777b 2020-04-23 18:30:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to deal with the mergi...
filter_aws.R 3.72 k e146fac35e22 2015-11-14 06:39:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Some code to deal with the optimizati...
filter_case_at_ec.R 3.11 k 44367a8a115e 2024-12-03 19:28:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a list to split the work.
find_clusters.R 913 b51a717be7ac 2012-05-06 21:22:46 lorenzo I added a small scripts which extract...
fingerprint_analysis.R 9.4 k c561b17a5ad5 2010-07-13 23:48:59 lorenzo I corrected a small typo in the code.
fit-instability.R 1011 0f87ff1709fe 2015-11-15 00:16:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script exemplifying the use of diff...
fit_absorption.R 2.09 k b500a9928763 2009-01-05 19:42:19 iselllo This code performs a simple exponenti...
fit_absorption_overall.R 17.7 k 9b373055fae7 2009-01-20 23:15:16 iselllo Again, I added an extra condition to ...
fit_custom.R 916 117bc193307d 2017-11-09 06:13:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed an unneeded line inside a f...
fit_diffusion.R 10.12 k 34be245179d2 2011-02-03 01:18:13 lorenzo I made slight modifications only to t...
fit_frag_dist2.R 5.97 k d6102fddb70e 2017-09-12 05:18:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now fixed the attribution of the ge...
fit_frag_distr.R 6.75 k c4b097df85ad 2017-05-28 07:45:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added alpha (transparency) as a vec...
fit_fragment_distribution_minpack.R 5.05 k 1ab3c599b53a 2018-08-03 16:34:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a command to store the cleane...
fit_friction.R 26.5 k 5f89c62df35b 2011-01-18 00:51:19 lorenzo Minor modifications to the generated ...
fit_truncated_distr.R 783 0a8225afa288 2009-08-08 00:14:56 lorenzo This code shows how to fit left-trunc...
fit_visit.R 12.66 k 32b0a4e6deef 2010-05-25 02:30:50 lorenzo Improvements to the figs and new rout...
fitting2.R 1.53 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
fix_entropy.R 22.09 k 8628279aafe6 2010-09-23 18:28:53 lorenzo A script to avoid re-rerunning genera...
flatten_json.R 1.34 k 86376ef1ac7b 2025-01-18 08:33:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script with some recursive function...
footnote-grid.R 732 2837abd287f7 2015-09-03 21:43:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A minimal example of how to add a foo...
formula_breaking.R 7.2 k 29a24fe9dbc6 2016-02-15 23:30:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I am not plotting the distributions a...
fpe-phase-space-wall-6-adapt.R 21.94 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
fpe-phase-space-wall.R 10.29 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
fragment-radial-prob.R 7.92 k 7af80df0d3cc 2020-08-06 07:06:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added new strategies for bond removal.
from_aggregate_to_graph.R 10.36 k 5b0e53a7fb62 2023-12-13 23:57:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Very minor modifications and I save a...
fta_countries_covered.R 7.5 k 619c3dcc06d5 2018-09-25 20:29:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Final modifications: extra plots, che...
gadm-downloader.R 1.82 k e4ade4cca34f 2013-11-27 19:04:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to download some data ...
gber_stat.R 4.29 k 6cf6486595b2 2021-03-03 00:18:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another script and now I make...
gbm-blood.R 1.51 k d0c0f79dae39 2015-05-31 04:09:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code implementing (successf...
gbm2_amazon.R 1.81 k 90d01d56e457 2013-06-24 04:20:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now the code saves the model (and I t...
gen_attractors.R 2.15 k 63e30f22681a 2023-03-02 01:59:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a new script to generate 2D a...
gen_attractors_parallel.R 3.96 k 71df53b9142e 2023-03-02 07:08:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now the quantiles have na.rm=T and th...
gen_clifford.R 1.48 k 511a730f00d1 2023-03-06 08:28:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use geom_scattermore instead of...
gen_clifford_parallel.R 2.15 k c10ac77be5f6 2023-03-08 19:55:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code to parallelize the generation of...
gen_mondrian.R 6.87 k fc2d45bec5d5 2023-03-02 00:38:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now explicitly print the name of th...
generate-table-nowcast.R 2.11 k 2856e776d6ea 2016-07-13 19:48:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some extra advanced features ...
generate_fragment_catalog.R 6.33 k c8060613283d 2022-04-10 07:35:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code under development, but now I plo...
generate_k_aver.R 11.34 k 23dc57213487 2009-12-03 02:46:41 lorenzo I fixed a few things in the code whic...
generate_kables.R 159.48 k 2c034294930c 2020-07-30 23:27:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Final touches to the statistical guid...
generate_network_snapshots.R 17.06 k 3d271853f8db 2011-02-22 22:23:45 lorenzo I am now also saving the networks in ...
generate_networks-from-aggregates.R 10.31 k 48ede4a25bfe 2015-02-28 02:47:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now save some detailed statistics a...
generate_new_time-series.R 28.33 k dd9bab91fbb3 2010-10-14 18:18:09 lorenzo I improved the code and now all the s...
generate_submission.R 2.94 k f966b354558f 2022-09-29 18:12:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a script which generates the ...
generate_table.R 3.64 k dc3adb418b26 2018-05-24 17:37:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some extra examples to the file.
generate_table_simple.R 840 c2926206456c 2019-09-16 23:48:54 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple code to generate plain vanil...
generate_taxud_report.R 45.41 k 8514d6199ae7 2020-10-13 20:55:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed one linebreak statement aft...
generate_trade_world_plot.R 5.13 k 5dbe4d5b19d4 2022-05-13 22:45:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Some cosmetic improvements to the plot.
generation-fragment-analysis.R 18.5 k 04f37a42a821 2015-02-26 02:19:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Further development of the code and c...
generative-flow.R 12.05 k acb0530cacba 2023-02-06 19:44:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a script to generate an artis...
geographic.R 5.12 k e881eaf25c65 2012-09-12 06:38:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I generate a panel with different...
geom_bar_multiple_hist_ggplot2.R 3.94 k 8b0aaaf12e8c 2013-01-28 00:52:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I have rewritten the code with the ne...
germany-color-map.R 558 b7897fee277d 2012-08-14 05:03:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot Germany's regions with...
ggplot-boxplot-synoptics.R 147.54 k 9145d42d9a61 2010-08-06 20:27:50 lorenzo I changed the tikzDevice options to u...
ggplot-boxplot-synoptics_arial.R 144.76 k 345dda80e472 2010-12-18 01:48:16 lorenzo I corrected further bugs in the aggre...
ggplot-igraph.R 3.02 k f90764c064b1 2014-03-04 01:36:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the reference of the website ...
ggplot-log-scales-pretty.R 2.29 k c8f1188b659b 2016-12-15 22:51:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to make nice plots on ...
ggplot-overlay.R 936 b6da95185314 2012-09-12 03:47:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I also use tikzDevice to create a...
ggplot2-double-legend-color-gradient.R 1.31 k 5abfd3e8121a 2011-08-05 06:15:49 lorenzo I added a code that demonstrates how ...
ggplot2_boxplot.R 1.09 k 2b41714ee577 2010-01-04 02:37:24 lorenzo An example showing how to generate a ...
ggplot2_m_l.R 5.41 k 640ec6882296 2010-06-02 20:31:33 lorenzo Minor modifications to these codes (e...
ggplot2_test.R 817 e984850bfc50 2009-12-30 00:42:32 lorenzo I added an example about how to gener...
ggplot2_test_inset.R 415 2601aab7e933 2010-09-07 17:47:48 lorenzo Minor polishing to the generated plots.
ggplot_boxplot_hadley.R 1.23 k a9c4c1f98b5b 2010-02-05 03:28:42 lorenzo I added an example (by Hadley) about ...
ggplot_distribution.R 14.66 k 640ec6882296 2010-06-02 20:31:33 lorenzo Minor modifications to these codes (e...
ggplot_facet_multiple_legends.R 1.11 k 2c6d2707fcb8 2015-12-03 00:13:40 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Example of how to use ggplot with dif...
ggplot_histogram_overlap.R 1015 8deba3665549 2010-09-23 21:44:56 lorenzo I modified trivially the code (first ...
ggplot_multi_histo_murphy.R 1.42 k 6a8d43f83151 2013-01-28 00:53:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a small snippet by Dennis Mur...
ggplot_multiple.R 1.9 k b69fbe68cbe7 2010-01-08 19:14:14 lorenzo I added a function to generate 4 by 4...
ggplot_multiple_lines.R 826 9e83ab908ed5 2010-03-30 00:16:33 lorenzo Various codes to generate plots with ...
ggplot_point_distr.R 4.66 k 640ec6882296 2010-06-02 20:31:33 lorenzo Minor modifications to these codes (e...
graph_colorbar.R 1.04 k 4b3c42745a60 2010-02-01 22:35:21 lorenzo This shows how to add a colorbar to t...
green.R 11.79 k 85b45a0445b0 2007-02-06 01:09:29 iselllo I added the code R-codes/green.R whic...
grid-representation.R 667 06227f759f29 2006-12-28 08:03:52 iselllo I added the code grid representation....
gyration_asymptotic.R 2.39 k 865e88f7ee6c 2011-01-04 21:02:34 lorenzo I added a quick and easy script to ca...
h20-blood.R 6.98 k 0fe0acbe8adb 2015-05-26 23:47:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to use the latest h2o ...
heatmap-HGIE.R 4.65 k fd1c66ef9087 2017-05-11 22:47:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now the example is even more refined ...
hgie-stat.R 10.66 k 77a900d2842e 2017-05-30 01:01:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Major modifications to the code, but ...
hgie_stat.R 17.05 k ed5767b1bcdb 2017-06-09 07:54:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Nice code with pipe operator and seve...
histogram_log_binning.R 2.19 k ec76c2e826f4 2009-08-21 00:25:11 lorenzo I forgot to call the library(minpack....
hopalong_parallel.R 2.55 k 2b80308d31bc 2023-03-10 07:41:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the colors to the attractor's...
horizontal-private.R 51.95 k 04c56ba7db19 2016-04-16 01:03:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use the stat_lib.R library and ...
household_match.R 7 k 7c889b79e1e5 2018-01-11 07:27:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I am now saving more tables with the ...
hull-properties.R 1.74 k fa5e62d99198 2016-09-22 00:11:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to calculate some properties...
igraph-distance-sampling.R 372 826d0534edee 2015-10-03 23:49:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example for handling...
impact-MC.R 97.21 k 62aab6c0c223 2017-04-25 00:26:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some wilcox tests and I start...
inject-new_data.R 3.29 k 46631cad7724 2014-01-14 20:23:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I am again rearranging the data to sa...
inset.R 4.43 k 66d8f97d0eb7 2008-04-28 19:36:04 iselllo I added the code inset.R which shows ...
insurance-xgboost.R 2.15 k 8b0fce1c4680 2015-12-26 08:03:24 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A more elaborate code using caret and...
integration-and-plots-corrected-final-branch.R 15.86 k 804d712ef13c 2007-05-29 00:08:33 iselllo I updated the file R-codes/integratio...
integration-and-plots-corrected-final.R 12.1 k b73fa069e268 2007-05-15 02:36:38 iselllo I modified the code R-codes/integrati...
integration-plot.R 4.8 k 509f88b123a9 2011-05-19 22:34:05 lorenzo I am now no longer importing tikzDevi...
intersection_circles.R 1.81 k cdd66728a5aa 2012-10-16 08:12:24 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I print out the value of the inte...
intervals_advanced.R 21.99 k 0bae5945a6e8 2011-01-25 02:25:20 lorenzo I modified again the function to calc...
intervals_advanced_fictitious_roles.R 19.7 k 3fbf3f08681d 2011-01-14 01:47:47 lorenzo I added or modified the codes to deal...
intervals_reshuffled.R 11.41 k 6d690b327fec 2011-01-25 02:30:17 lorenzo Also now the function automatically t...
intervals_reshuffled_fictitious_roles.R 9.99 k 3fbf3f08681d 2011-01-14 01:47:47 lorenzo I added or modified the codes to deal...
investigate-anisotropy.R 3.55 k 42d8d48df077 2011-05-17 23:34:12 lorenzo I added a code which now generates a ...
investigation_fragmentation.R 13.72 k 48125546ca47 2019-09-14 01:05:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a non-uniformity calculation ...
iterate_analysis_contacts.R 21.47 k af4425fea0c6 2010-06-12 00:37:55 lorenzo I simply changed the name of the file...
iterate_covid_table.R 830 13c9d5e9ee52 2021-10-15 17:29:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed the destination of the files.
iterate_markdown.R 588 cfeca323e3f3 2021-04-13 18:36:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed the spelling of Lithuania and...
iterate_markdown2.R 782 c5cb9b877744 2021-03-25 20:05:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A new Rmd script which can be iterate...
iterate_quarto.R 814 d586df307a34 2024-06-11 21:56:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a file which passes a paramet...
iterate_visit.R 19.63 k cf3b5b91ecd6 2009-09-21 19:58:25 lorenzo I fixed a few things: in case of NaN ...
japan_rank.R 1.48 k e2f2242dc1cb 2018-05-31 23:45:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some other features to the co...
json_test.R 2.15 k 70a74d019c9a 2020-08-28 00:44:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code which illustrates how to recta...
kable_real_table.R 4.73 k 0b293b56faf1 2020-03-21 22:30:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use arial as the default font.
kernel-proof-concept.R 1.38 k 413aed8d1502 2017-05-17 21:26:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to test the functions...
kernel_yannis.R 4.49 k 7bab03866a78 2017-05-20 21:24:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor improvements to the figure.
key_trade_plot.R 11.26 k 2f8e717aa593 2019-03-27 00:53:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Scripts where I combine the plots via...
knudsen-collision.R 5.52 k febb87eb3b40 2012-07-13 19:58:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small script to plot beta for Kn!=0...
knudsen-monomer.R 1.12 k 18fd19a3b72e 2012-08-07 05:15:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to these 2 scripts.
koen-plot.R 4.35 k 3b838d66a038 2016-03-07 19:44:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I also play with the expand parameter...
label_tac_ab.R 2.07 k a0d2c8e35593 2010-07-07 07:00:16 lorenzo I use this code to generate the list ...
lanchester_elegant.R 737 d206ac90af33 2024-01-20 06:19:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code which shows how to use...
lda_self_contained_topics.R 4.09 k 3f3b5b38c8d4 2023-11-15 00:38:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A nice almost self-contained example ...
leaflet_custom_map.R 1.48 k 017fb2b30dc6 2021-09-08 21:58:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I loaded twice some libraries.
leaflet_eurostat_nuts.R 2.3 k b149b7ceea29 2021-08-28 04:38:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a case of missing data in the...
leaflet_from_scratch.R 6.48 k b95b54372d18 2021-08-11 21:19:40 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use htmlwidgets to save an inte...
legend_test.R 1.3 k 599dc2d0a21b 2010-04-02 03:01:13 lorenzo A useful snippet showing how to deal ...
linear_fit.R 577 b6a74ab5dd07 2012-02-07 06:41:03 lorenzo I added a code that highlights some o...
linear_frag.R 2.09 k 26e3f5306bea 2015-06-30 03:50:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to evaluate numerically the si...
linear_regression.R 1.28 k bdab361e1c44 2008-02-01 09:07:30 iselllo I added the code linear_regression.R ...
linear_regression_d_f.R 3.25 k 7c28d94148e0 2008-02-05 09:05:12 iselllo I added the code linear_regression_d_...
linfit.R 12.07 k 64b1848d3c2a 2010-05-21 22:59:26 lorenzo A code which reads a set of data and ...
link_excess.R 1.23 k 207d84b12213 2010-11-11 20:49:24 lorenzo I added a code capable of estimating ...
loan-clean.R 1.5 k 7856aae89666 2014-01-27 07:29:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A new R code to clean and rescale the...
loan-prediction.R 1.56 k 7f5b35595f79 2014-02-15 02:34:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a random forest implementatio...
loan-random-forest.R 2.01 k 778651c130be 2014-02-16 06:11:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Some minor modification to the code (...
logistic_regression_one-hot-encodying.R 3.33 k 168899234cce 2013-06-29 16:28:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I code to carry out logistic regressi...
loglog.R 3 k df017aa31857 2010-03-24 00:14:17 lorenzo I added a code which produces quite a...
lognormal_binning.R 27.04 k 9f70ca393e02 2007-11-10 02:23:28 iselllo I introduced the scientific notation ...
m_l_code.R 2.82 k 0b7a2de9507e 2011-06-02 20:07:17 lorenzo I added a very simple script to be in...
m_lines.R 734 9e83ab908ed5 2010-03-30 00:16:33 lorenzo Various codes to generate plots with ...
magick-flowers.R 1.46 k a7ae261a03fe 2023-07-21 09:30:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate floral patterns.
make_contribution.R 50.04 k 3eba6219f2f5 2019-05-09 01:31:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added many more plots with a lot of...
make_fig7.R 5.31 k a3b0e86274fc 2019-05-22 22:36:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Another code to make nice plots.
make_poster_2_pages.R 88.34 k 781a091b5daf 2019-06-29 21:13:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed a bug in the calculation of t...
make_report.R 10.17 k b08cdf97a8ae 2020-03-27 23:08:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I applied the modifications requested...
mandala.R 1.88 k b1c7da08d6da 2018-03-12 19:52:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I also save the mandala as a pdf -- m...
mandala_gala_generator.R 2.88 k e5606ddf50c6 2023-03-02 03:11:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I commented some part of the code whi...
map-color-simple.R 747 cd24e8cd876f 2012-08-14 05:04:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Another code to plot Italy's regions ...
map-new-data.R 784 b68b4f15a6d4 2015-09-28 04:31:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to quickly plots some points...
map-plot-legend.R 732 2ed6d3ba3541 2016-02-25 21:47:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self contained example about how to...
map-switzerland.R 611 b39e58141463 2012-08-12 04:39:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small script to plot geographical d...
map_embedding.R 621 4ad42b63e7eb 2019-04-28 04:51:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Using map to sequentially filter a da...
map_scoreboard.R 3.55 k f90fbb715664 2021-08-06 07:06:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed the problem of the internal b...
map_test.R 413 2eacf91475ce 2015-10-02 18:02:54 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to generate a map wit...
maps_scoreboard.R 4.5 k daa41c5f6447 2023-12-01 06:13:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use a function to calculate lims.
maps_tidy_shape_file.R 3.36 k fa4988918007 2018-06-08 18:15:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed a bug and added an extra plot.
market-optimization.R 3.86 k 5f7f832e74b3 2014-12-15 04:40:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Scripts to split the data into traini...
markov-chain.R 16.92 k 4ef75b4c2014 2013-09-19 04:02:36 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified the code to estimate the t...
master.R 81.48 k 932c039d9e58 2011-06-23 07:08:10 lorenzo I am now generating new panel plots.
match_all_GIs.R 2.88 k 9bf54d0696d8 2020-09-25 04:47:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Small modification because I changed ...
match_data.R 422 e0f5beb19c58 2018-03-22 21:23:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An example about how to read a file w...
math.R 1.29 k 1290ec1f7dfc 2009-04-02 18:09:54 iselllo Answers I got from R mailing list abo...
max_predictability.R 5.84 k 5f55f1ffa342 2010-10-09 02:15:07 lorenzo I improved the code by adding a selec...
mc-analysis.R 8.4 k ed5f307e6ccd 2016-03-04 02:04:15 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I introduced the viridis discrete pal...
mcdonald.R 508 eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
media_gtap.R 2.03 k e51adc96dd8e 2018-06-26 02:34:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I save all the results with 3 dec...
melt-two-headers.R 1.74 k a23e635b0697 2015-05-14 01:51:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A very useful script to melt excel fi...
merge-all.R 19.15 k 881befc3784a 2018-09-07 18:45:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply use explicitely the tidyvers...
merge-all_gerd.R 15.12 k 1bce5c628878 2018-11-15 05:58:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Codes to deal with GERD. The code to ...
merge-datasets.R 806 42d87d1ed9ba 2014-03-07 20:04:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to merge some datasets. Very u...
merge_tam_parquet.R 2.85 k 820fffd64664 2024-10-25 02:25:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply changed the name of the outp...
merging-spheres.R 4.38 k 2d2f604c7c84 2014-07-09 22:55:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I also calculate Rg/R and not only Rg...
milos-eurostat.R 6.72 k 2d23a389eaa6 2024-06-04 21:42:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some comments and I now compl...
minimal.R 3.42 k 9cd15f3c379f 2017-12-01 20:28:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self contained example showing seve...
mixccc.txt 9.71 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
mlr-berd.R 5.49 k 7d7fe86a3dd3 2016-05-18 00:27:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Codes to carry out glmnet and random ...
mlr-insurance2.R 1.52 k 657724626e25 2015-12-30 06:59:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script using mlr to train a random ...
mlr-rf-test.R 970 fb107a734f2b 2016-01-06 05:00:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple mlr code for multiclassifica...
mlr_rf_berd.R 5.92 k 9aa21d944abe 2016-05-18 00:28:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to carry out a random forest a...
mlr_select_method_berd.R 12.64 k 7e73a6de05fa 2017-04-03 05:09:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now explicitely added two variables...
mlr_several_learners.R 4.89 k 15829f321a20 2017-06-08 07:22:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code showing how to train s...
models-regression2.R 7.95 k a92e9e0803da 2017-06-16 23:40:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some modification to selectiv...
modify_add_rows.R 1.88 k ad17dda495b2 2020-04-13 21:42:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the link to the post which re...
monitor_crypto.R 4.88 k 41d1323856ea 2021-06-02 00:35:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added more plots.
monitor_crypto_tidy.R 9.29 k 6c1755f342c7 2021-06-05 18:03:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor changes in the labels in two pl...
multinomial.R 855 09635767b1bc 2013-05-03 03:35:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Small improvements and removal of unn...
network-deliverable.R 1.22 k 9631448b1d1b 2015-08-06 21:17:36 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Final polished code to generate a 3D ...
new_dynamic_map.R 13.95 k 8cfa072bf6fa 2019-12-19 18:38:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I turned the scatterplot into a bubbl...
new_graph_analysis.R 6.48 k 728495c69e05 2009-07-02 02:20:05 isella This code is extremely similar to the...
new_knudsen_number.R 11.06 k e521153425a2 2013-08-18 05:01:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the plots gene...
new_report.R 14.94 k 4c3ba76ddf8c 2020-03-31 00:11:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed by hand a couple of values.
new_stats_tam.R 1.78 k 2357a4301439 2023-04-20 23:08:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to carry out some heuristics.
new_tam_arrow.R 2.97 k d43210b5bba4 2024-10-24 21:47:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Arrow code to handle the new tam data...
new_visualization_example.R 9.4 k 54dd051e1f48 2014-03-04 01:37:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Leave message empty to abort commit. ...
nls-LM-read-and-plot-soldati.R 6.76 k 383681527db9 2007-08-06 01:42:25 iselllo A minor modification: there is no hea...
nls-LM-read-and-plot.R 4.47 k 4cbbc2acfa16 2007-02-23 01:05:03 iselllo I slightly modified the file R-codes/...
nls-LM-read-data2-smoothing.R 10.11 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls-LM-read-data2.R 5.18 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls-LM-read-data2bis.R 5.71 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls-LM.R 3.66 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls-LM2.R 3.58 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls-LM3.R 4.85 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls.R 440 eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls2.R 1.36 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
nls3.R 1.52 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
now-cast-new.R 8.65 k 502367225f8f 2016-03-12 00:24:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for nowcasting berd also using...
now-casting-berd-time-series.R 9.45 k c25235359218 2014-03-19 01:17:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code which uses an arima model to f...
now-casting-berd.R 7.29 k 500bc36815c7 2014-03-19 01:14:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Some modifications to the code for th...
nowcasting_sets.R 1.83 k 941a9fe2fe28 2022-09-06 19:04:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simpliefied the queries and removed...
nse-purrr-example.R 2.24 k 0ce7c5a9fff7 2019-01-29 00:18:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added an extra example to the code.
ntb_trade.R 2.38 k e1e192937197 2020-11-05 19:58:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the other data set from David...
ntm_stat_new.R 44.59 k fe4f3813db01 2020-02-06 01:17:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Small modification to one plot.
obfuscate_data.R 2.28 k 0d021c7ee5d8 2024-07-03 23:43:48 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a new variable to the final o...
obg_mining_script.R 24.97 k bca0a982c82c 2011-04-08 01:48:34 lorenzo I am now generating an elaborate figu...
optim-test.R 753 ff945981e48d 2015-11-09 19:36:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to use optim with dif...
otto-classification.R 2.99 k 7b04c1c7d131 2015-03-21 02:35:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified a bit the code and I can n...
otto-rf-new.R 1.47 k f02992255d7a 2015-03-21 22:42:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed from the test and train dat...
overlap_comparison.R 2.65 k 7ee263b24171 2013-08-01 03:10:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code which calculates the p...
pakistan.R 2.71 k b9f516c953c8 2013-11-26 00:27:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot a heatmap of a country...
panel-plot-europe.R 9.08 k 752fa10b396e 2014-02-12 19:38:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed the function for the discrete...
panel_plot_ilya.R 7.92 k f137675fd64a 2023-01-25 18:34:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to make a panel plot which h...
parse_json.R 1.56 k e069729ca820 2023-12-29 08:20:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I started to detect and process the d...
parse_trade_data.R 1.8 k 7e83e21ff645 2017-10-23 22:04:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to parse the agricultural and ...
pass_variable.R 961 c8464f4f6fec 2022-04-25 20:15:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An example about how to pass a variab...
pca-loan.R 1.11 k 86d1015fa498 2014-01-22 05:56:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to perform PCA and carry out s...
pca.R 511 957e3b864a86 2013-01-21 06:25:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to carry out a simple principa...
pca_selected.R 3.13 k 179d58b18d34 2017-05-19 23:42:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An interesting script for pca+various...
pie_chart_plotly.R 3.19 k 5e929936c570 2024-10-15 21:34:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> How to make nice pie charts in plotly...
plot-boundary.R 8.27 k 87fd245b7a26 2007-02-01 19:57:14 iselllo This time some trivial modifications ...
plot-colorful.R 1.81 k cdf05b35eab6 2015-03-11 19:39:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to generate awesome panel pl...
plot-comparison-finite-Kn.R 8.42 k 18fd19a3b72e 2012-08-07 05:15:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to these 2 scripts.
plot-eurostat.R 1.99 k 4b0de33ae4b5 2013-10-18 21:00:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate panel plots from t...
plot-for-template.R 3.88 k 9126c779d33f 2014-09-20 00:05:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Two codes to plot and download data. ...
plot-map-population.R 1.34 k f50aa67d9319 2017-04-28 16:34:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A very powerful script to plot the a ...
plot-nls.R 1.22 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
plot-vector.R 1.51 k f86ada8e2610 2007-12-03 19:41:45 iselllo I added the code plot-vector.R. It is...
plot_Rgeo_Rg_facet.R 1.96 k b4ab922fa284 2012-06-29 02:03:26 lorenzo I added a code which plots a facet wi...
plot_acf.R 6.2 k dbe29ab1fc00 2010-09-17 21:04:30 lorenzo A simple script to plot the autocorre...
plot_aggregate.R 5.37 k 678bce7e7d89 2020-12-15 06:16:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a way to generate a really go...
plot_aggregate_betweenness_rgl.R 5.67 k 3cee75ab9e7f 2021-09-11 05:53:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I generate a movie also of the tw...
plot_aggregate_for_paper.R 12.93 k ae375959992c 2021-07-21 23:12:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I commented out a couple of lines at ...
plot_and_fit_conference_data.R 2.84 k 6243d76e11b0 2009-09-01 21:48:17 lorenzo A simple code to plot the distributio...
plot_bipartite.R 951 f56c0c283296 2010-03-09 03:06:50 lorenzo A simple code snippet showing how to ...
plot_cab.R 1.25 k cd702c6467c5 2024-10-15 21:42:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I cleaned up the script.
plot_cm_rgl.R 5.98 k 3377c1e5fcc1 2021-08-30 06:14:36 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply use read_table instead of re...
plot_coicop_data.R 15.46 k 566d620e6e4d 2017-08-31 22:26:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now consistently use the same color...
plot_countries_fdi.R 2.07 k 5c31326c474d 2019-03-12 19:55:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to add a footnote to a ggplot2...
plot_cylinder_rgl.R 911 1ae203aa9137 2022-03-07 18:31:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot cylinders in rgl.
plot_delta_N.R 7.64 k 640ec6882296 2010-06-02 20:31:33 lorenzo Minor modifications to these codes (e...
plot_delta_r.R 4.64 k a2317eefd58f 2010-03-12 03:22:27 lorenzo A simple code but it shows again how ...
plot_disintegrated_agg.R 3.84 k b4ce6d75b1b2 2015-03-07 04:13:15 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I save the results into an RDS file.
plot_dispersion.R 20.1 k 640ec6882296 2010-06-02 20:31:33 lorenzo Minor modifications to these codes (e...
plot_edquist.R 9.38 k f88afcc965cd 2015-08-05 04:40:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Modifications to the script which now...
plot_entropy_4_by_4.R 7.53 k 73c14511aca5 2010-10-05 21:43:46 lorenzo I added a code to generate a panel pl...
plot_error_bootstrap.R 4.66 k 0cd667d7e102 2017-04-11 16:35:44 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the choice of the labels o...
plot_errors.R 1.74 k cb4216f72684 2016-05-20 00:16:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code showing how to plot solid poin...
plot_eurostat_second.R 3.7 k 713339069f0a 2013-10-22 00:12:45 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to plot other eurostat datas...
plot_eyes.R 1.45 k 80a9c830c244 2010-12-01 23:28:28 lorenzo I added new featured both to the code...
plot_first_order_stat.R 4.38 k 27b271e0af9a 2016-02-16 18:36:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use NULL instead of "" to have ...
plot_fragment_expectation.R 2.59 k d893d3cc6aaa 2016-02-16 21:20:58 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to do some further plotting wi...
plot_fragments_grid.R 4.17 k 862a5bc073c4 2019-08-09 22:51:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code showing how to produce non-tri...
plot_geo_network.R 902 bd1f9f14a411 2014-02-27 17:29:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to superimpose a netwo...
plot_infection_progress.R 5.15 k b97a064935ae 2009-11-12 03:18:55 lorenzo I added a code which can be used to c...
plot_intra_eu_trade_flows.R 4.2 k 31c1963eecf0 2021-08-05 03:01:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the syntax.
plot_large_vis.R 1.8 k 9fdcda28c848 2010-10-08 20:17:18 lorenzo I added a snippet for visualizing lar...
plot_many_networks.R 2.62 k 2876248a5318 2010-11-18 00:23:04 lorenzo I re-wrote the code and it now works ...
plot_map_network.R 3.95 k c5e686096e91 2020-12-08 04:12:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now save the final plot as a pdf file.
plot_mass_and_number_errors.R 5.07 k 0ffbee31d79c 2008-02-03 02:47:36 iselllo I added the code plot_mass_and_number...
plot_mass_size.R 809 820e812c5736 2007-09-21 02:31:47 iselllo I added the code plot_mass_size.R, wh...
plot_matrix_trade.R 12.29 k 793255effe80 2018-05-14 04:53:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Final touches to the plots.
plot_merged_radius.R 4.21 k 263dd6a56b2a 2014-08-07 19:25:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the plots.
plot_modified_BC.R 2.59 k e521153425a2 2013-08-18 05:01:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the plots gene...
plot_multiple_distributions.R 3.66 k 099a27e69a02 2010-10-01 00:35:46 lorenzo I added a dodged plot to the code.
plot_multiple_figure.R 844 af1bf8b18e18 2007-08-09 18:25:03 iselllo I added the code plot_multiple_figure...
plot_my_potential.R 3.76 k e4adecaa3eb8 2009-04-29 03:39:48 iselllo I fixed a few bugs and improved the f...
plot_network.R 4.1 k 4bd45d894f4d 2017-03-20 05:42:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot a world map plus a net...
plot_on_map.R 932 a6f9d12dfc3c 2015-10-02 18:03:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A slightly more elaborate case of plo...
plot_removal_betweenness.R 2.32 k 45f269065f13 2020-09-11 23:13:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some trasparency to the nodes...
plot_rg_r_geo_N.R 1.46 k dba7d6381ff5 2012-06-23 21:17:24 lorenzo I fixed a calculation and updated the...
plot_rotation.R 5.26 k e4adecaa3eb8 2009-04-29 03:39:48 iselllo I fixed a few bugs and improved the f...
plot_s_vs_k.R 12.08 k 640ec6882296 2010-06-02 20:31:33 lorenzo Minor modifications to these codes (e...
plot_sme.R 3.42 k 473e7ec13684 2018-09-25 23:40:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example about how to...
plot_spheres_rgl.R 1.55 k ecb225774841 2021-07-21 22:41:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed this script which now require...
plot_t_ab_ac_panel.R 5.69 k faec310a202e 2010-10-21 19:43:14 lorenzo I simply added a few comments to the ...
plot_table_ggplot.R 1.01 k 6efbcccd7fe5 2019-03-20 18:30:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot tables in ggplot.
plot_tables.R 23.7 k b23ab408ed17 2014-11-20 22:34:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I revised the list of euro countries ...
plot_world_data.R 17.01 k b0102a3a81c0 2019-11-29 23:51:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now also plot the EU28 vs China.
plot_zurich.R 22.5 k 926430dd32ec 2008-12-22 20:38:09 iselllo I re-wrote in a much cleaner way the ...
plotrix-nonlinear-color-scale.R 2.29 k b44a5e0a63c7 2010-06-25 18:11:22 lorenzo I am now using tikzDevice to generate...
plotrix_gray_scale.R 1.95 k 79383a33e5ac 2010-07-22 03:53:08 lorenzo I added an example about how to gener...
plots-burtschler.R 1.42 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
plots-burtschler2.R 1.84 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
plots-simulated_velocity.R 1.73 k 4789a8d0ba4a 2006-12-11 03:56:34 iselllo I added a couple of extra codes (1) p...
plots-transient.R 817 4789a8d0ba4a 2006-12-11 03:56:34 iselllo I added a couple of extra codes (1) p...
pocket_guide.R 125.47 k 2c034294930c 2020-07-30 23:27:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Final touches to the statistical guid...
pomological.R 651 d6efe1b8c827 2018-08-27 05:47:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate an "old style" dia...
power-law.R 4 k a4655c6fcecd 2010-05-21 02:45:29 lorenzo I added an extra plot to the code (I ...
ppv.R 495 1cd07d61f049 2012-11-05 06:59:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small script to calculate the posit...
predict.R 7.82 k 705c65153fe4 2011-02-18 00:42:00 lorenzo I added extra functionalities to the ...
predict_soccer.R 4.68 k 11ca92356872 2013-06-20 02:54:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the RMSLE metric and complete...
prediction_survival.R 5.34 k 0b1f4d7cac79 2013-09-19 22:07:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to predict the survival of the...
preferences_calculation.R 2.8 k bf3247161566 2018-06-26 02:07:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to calculate the preference ...
prepare_data.R 2.46 k 6af36c5d94b1 2016-11-02 00:52:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to sinchronize the levels in a...
prepare_tam_data.R 5.25 k 27c379254dc0 2022-07-05 18:21:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I also save the tam as an parquet file.
preprocess.R 929 af0f0263065b 2017-06-07 06:53:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An interesting script to clean the da...
private-funding.R 69.81 k c3c4e58f5691 2016-04-11 18:57:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added again EL to a query.
prob_tab_tac.R 6.05 k 60a175981d16 2010-10-20 23:09:44 lorenzo I expanded a bit the script which now...
prob_tab_tac_compartimentized.R 37.33 k 0dfdbfaa8c08 2010-07-12 19:02:01 lorenzo I removed several bits of the code si...
process-6-digits.R 18.83 k a74fe07e9d2a 2018-09-17 19:10:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I defined a new palette based on the ...
process-EU-imports.R 21.63 k 919bb64e590a 2019-08-26 23:23:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added an extra statistical quantity.
process-clean.R 1.3 k 4350088fda46 2017-04-30 04:10:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use mutate_each everywhere and ...
process-exports-to-russia.R 28.61 k a84900078ff6 2018-07-30 18:44:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> First code to examine the Russian imp...
process-job-ads.R 1.69 k b75915951d0f 2024-07-28 03:35:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I have now fixed the code and it tran...
process-kpi.R 3.38 k beebdc4cce8e 2024-05-16 16:09:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the code.
process-russia2.R 13.19 k 145502e33827 2018-08-28 23:47:54 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed the titles and used the rep...
process-switzerland.R 1.73 k 3693d45ad1cb 2018-07-03 23:04:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A file to process the preferences for...
process_ITC.R 4.67 k 0fd1c27a6e41 2020-01-17 23:04:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now I save the tariff line as a chara...
process_ITC2.R 7.11 k 023fd2b0f699 2020-01-24 00:44:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I use the new function to convert the...
process_africa.R 7.64 k d68eb27b48ac 2019-05-03 22:47:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script showing how to produce nice ...
process_alluvial.R 23.23 k 0401be6f15a1 2018-09-13 19:52:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Further fine-tuning of the plots.
process_aluminium.R 2.3 k c30dfe4dd259 2021-03-05 03:19:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for aluminium stat.
process_baci.R 13.78 k a0fb89acee5f 2021-01-27 22:35:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed the dependency from the sta...
process_bnb.R 2.97 k 493ae06f9e78 2023-11-17 22:25:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now save some stats as an excel table.
process_broadband.R 16.49 k ce0d44accca0 2021-04-23 18:42:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some extra calculations and I...
process_cases_aid.R 7.5 k 6cf6486595b2 2021-03-03 00:18:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another script and now I make...
process_cases_tam_scoreboard.R 4.75 k 4dca34ba347c 2021-10-22 18:13:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An example script showing how to look...
process_coal.R 4.95 k b308b7dbd5b1 2022-04-27 02:45:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications and some cleanup.
process_complete_trade.R 7.29 k 619c3dcc06d5 2018-09-25 20:29:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Final modifications: extra plots, che...
process_covid.R 2.17 k 49c506ce601d 2020-04-01 22:39:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Another small script for text process...
process_covid_distr.R 3.04 k 1336b28d392d 2021-12-17 19:03:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added an extra stat to the code.
process_covid_tracker.R 74.49 k d94ec06c0778 2023-03-03 00:20:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified the na_to_pattern function...
process_covid_tracker_new_durations.R 89.09 k 0cf058d35b8a 2021-10-08 23:58:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A new version of process_covid_tracke...
process_ctat_GI.R 10.7 k f3a57e7c2866 2019-08-07 19:25:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for some advanced text reading...
process_de_minimis_ES_PL.R 19.74 k 69889372068f 2024-11-07 23:37:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added new stats to the code.
process_de_minimis_ES_only.R 2.25 k 25edd4f61579 2024-10-17 18:59:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Revised scripts to carry out the de m...
process_de_minims.R 2.19 k d9195cce494c 2024-06-21 18:39:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I aggregate a bit more the data at th...
process_distr_betweenness.R 4.46 k d2d32c4ebfd4 2021-07-15 02:16:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> The plot looks better with the logtic...
process_eap_diversification.R 2.08 k ed8ec694bc23 2020-09-15 02:03:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Some examples about pivot larger.
process_eap_hhi.R 2.32 k 29a06aedcc44 2020-11-27 23:48:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a script to calculate some co...
process_eeag.R 9.83 k 4ee7f2480b96 2021-04-22 19:46:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added an extra calculation and a di...
process_eeag_new.R 23.71 k 14acb1ef3eec 2021-09-08 16:45:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> New revision of the statistics of the...
process_efsa.R 1.15 k 7bdbf6684278 2019-10-15 22:38:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> The code I developed when I applied t...
process_eu_korea.R 2.34 k 34c84b431743 2020-01-31 22:33:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script showing how to use the new e...
process_euromed.R 12.62 k 1d8c66e6e398 2019-02-15 06:06:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed some unneeded libraries.
process_fats.R 1.75 k ac68018f1ae6 2020-01-17 23:17:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script showing how to use di...
process_financial_cases.R 4.36 k cff6e6610350 2024-11-18 18:52:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to work on the financial aid...
process_fta_networks.R 4.02 k 76c125fd60ba 2018-11-08 06:19:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Improvements to the code and new plots.
process_gber_last.R 5.02 k 42b241046853 2022-05-10 21:43:44 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to analyse GBER data.
process_gi_agri.R 3.37 k 9b20561b8369 2020-09-25 05:16:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Again, I look for keywords in the nom...
process_hs0_report.R 1.04 k ab996ce51119 2020-05-12 06:26:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a file to process the hs0 data.
process_hs27_monthly.R 31.75 k 065e02122ac9 2020-11-19 02:15:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the code for t...
process_hs2_report.R 17.71 k 2193ef6ae967 2020-05-12 04:50:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed the manual corrections to t...
process_infographics.R 470 c42c182fc21e 2021-01-20 18:23:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed a typo.
process_infographics2.R 8.3 k cb72a965fd58 2021-01-22 00:05:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications.
process_maritime_tam.R 424 57219f11c486 2021-11-15 21:14:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to query TAM.
process_merge_hs_data.R 5.34 k 442ec0e9371d 2020-08-17 22:38:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the outlier detection mech...
process_modes_supply.R 6.41 k cfb54812b74b 2018-10-16 23:54:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed a theme in the stat_lib and I...
process_nace.R 376 af3482bb609d 2024-10-02 17:19:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Script to process the nace codes for ...
process_ntm.R 28.31 k ebe5a0ddf258 2019-05-27 19:25:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now keep only the parts related to ...
process_nzl.R 7.7 k 1c00d5969181 2019-02-23 00:18:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved one plot.
process_oecd.R 5.11 k 90e853b23971 2020-10-30 00:33:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a script which analyses OECD ...
process_poland_de_minimis.R 2.55 k 25edd4f61579 2024-10-17 18:59:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Revised scripts to carry out the de m...
process_poland_workers.R 2.06 k 6cf6486595b2 2021-03-03 00:18:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another script and now I make...
process_quarterly.R 3.12 k ad9bc6b19f69 2019-01-15 20:53:19 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a condition to remove the val...
process_quarterly_improved.R 1.17 k 9fee5c550ac3 2020-02-07 23:52:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code using a loop to download BOP d...
process_scoreboard_2021.R 7.27 k 98937fb87824 2022-03-19 01:03:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Script to process the scoreboard with...
process_scoreboard_eeag.R 1.19 k 53c5a2fbc6b2 2024-02-07 01:52:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Another script to obtain a special gr...
process_sdmx.R 1.66 k c90549d7c9ad 2020-09-02 16:40:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a way to deal with the xml fi...
process_shares.R 16.17 k 926c6d857a9f 2020-11-07 08:22:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the code and added some an...
process_slovenia.R 12.64 k 7fab32ec9541 2024-09-18 02:52:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the script and the handlin...
process_south_africa.R 2.25 k 7dfe6588d044 2018-07-02 20:38:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script using the complete ve...
process_spain_raw.R 1.07 k e33ee7191ce5 2024-03-26 23:37:29 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now save the parquet files with a m...
process_spanish_new_data.R 4.06 k 4a28148024e7 2024-03-14 01:29:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A new code to process the Spanish dat...
process_spanish_new_data_sequentially.R 5.27 k 7473d40bfe9e 2024-09-27 19:07:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now remove the output csv files whi...
process_sql_database.R 3.04 k e45b49dcb8a7 2020-07-09 22:56:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some applications of the add_...
process_stata_agri.R 8.03 k 650b3fb6a71f 2020-10-08 05:34:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Further work on the database.
process_survey.R 15.79 k 466781807043 2023-05-26 16:34:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Small improvements to one plot.
process_table.R 2.84 k ac15f64b8162 2018-05-17 23:04:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script showing how to handle...
process_tam.R 3.96 k fe83391139de 2021-05-20 07:44:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified the code because I modifie...
process_tam_RO.R 8.73 k 4d0a0af349fe 2024-09-18 02:59:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A cleanup of the script and its file ...
process_tam_pl_new.R 1.71 k 0bf92407b6af 2021-12-20 19:38:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I do not save the stata dta files as ...
process_text_etsy.R 2.13 k 0bc36b41d1b3 2021-10-01 17:38:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to perform some basic...
process_tibr.R 2.02 k ec67b30405e9 2020-04-16 17:21:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to manipulate tibr data.
process_time_portfolios.R 5.54 k 47bbc49c5bf2 2024-12-16 21:15:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply modified a few paths.
process_transaction_history.R 7.9 k ef67ffd09338 2024-01-18 04:34:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> These are new codes to process the tr...
process_turow.R 3.13 k 9645c0ff6fdf 2022-01-21 18:54:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to process all the Polish TA...
process_uk_pan_european.R 2.16 k fce4dfa687f4 2023-04-22 06:18:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I created new tables.
process_unctad_fdi.R 1.66 k e093b64e0b39 2020-11-06 19:36:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to process UNCTAD FDI data.
process_us_tariff.R 2.84 k 3bdf06aaec3c 2019-09-26 19:52:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An important script showing how to ma...
projected-gamma.R 4.74 k 86a4b8d57316 2014-08-07 01:05:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I also calculate the mobility radius ...
projection.R 838 49510c086313 2023-11-27 02:49:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A much better and simpler way to add ...
pub.R 3.95 k 695a026f71eb 2016-02-05 01:30:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the code: in p...
pur_map.R 1.32 k 6730238fcbf8 2018-06-14 23:50:44 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A file showing how to use a discrete ...
qqplot-facet-ggplot.R 7.44 k 17c4a4b60ad2 2017-04-06 23:58:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now the script also plots the correla...
quanteda_example.R 1.76 k 8bfe647f5519 2023-10-24 16:21:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code for simple text analys...
quarterly_FDI_process_new.R 615 7c0ecd3519ee 2020-01-16 20:45:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to retrieve and manip...
query-sudop.R 1.09 k dd4ffd1fd68d 2024-09-25 19:32:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a new script to query the Sta...
questions_scoreboard.R 1.57 k 29e24cd6ca94 2024-06-27 20:12:15 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to answer some questions abo...
quick_compliance.R 11.29 k c89389ba836f 2022-07-26 17:14:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Extra calculations added.
radar_plots.R 12.74 k a5251923d13c 2015-09-15 20:28:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now control also the margins of the...
random-test.R 206 5385f0b37c74 2007-03-31 22:31:34 iselllo I added the code R-codes/random-test....
random_graph.R 2.77 k ff3ceffdc2cf 2009-06-16 01:55:14 isella I fixed a bug in the identification o...
rare_materials_semiconductors.R 3.23 k cf3decb3c491 2022-10-05 16:20:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to find info about aid to se...
rata_mutuo.R 9.01 k 5657114b3a2e 2021-02-18 06:48:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the calculations and now I...
rca_new.R 8.6 k 0b11b6edd188 2018-08-21 22:24:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some extra plots and I now st...
rdf_tidy_data.R 1.8 k e68beed7b0ae 2019-11-05 00:13:44 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small example about how to use rdfl...
read-and-cast.R 2.7 k e6131b0701d7 2014-01-16 18:48:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to reshape/pivot some data.
read_CDC.R 13.14 k 4df8821184c6 2017-10-12 05:47:19 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply changed the list of CDC file...
read_FDI.R 13.71 k ea841657c41a 2020-04-01 22:57:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code to read the bulk FDI data now th...
read_all_polish_tam_no_filters.R 2.04 k 160d2f95fe60 2022-03-16 18:53:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script using several cores to read ...
read_and_process_database.R 2.24 k a742a2bbbeaf 2013-05-16 05:11:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code to send some queries from R to a...
read_big_data.R 1.1 k 7b62dc7631f7 2017-09-05 00:14:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to read the results of the pro...
read_coicop_household.R 9.81 k ded0d1854e69 2017-09-29 16:38:58 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the code.
read_communities.R 2.75 k 6e8154e41160 2010-11-05 03:40:26 lorenzo I added a bit to ease the plotting of...
read_composite_indicator.R 375 a46a75b687ac 2019-06-13 21:11:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to save data in multiple forma...
read_csv_as_database.R 667 85bbf94f2e12 2020-07-15 03:51:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script illustrating how to convert ...
read_errors.R 1.9 k 10c2bae0c723 2007-08-18 01:07:02 iselllo I added the code read_errors.R which ...
read_household_consumption.R 2.84 k a4d78829bb4f 2018-01-05 00:22:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small script to manipulate the Euro...
read_imports.R 12.76 k 230dfc94037f 2017-09-02 00:06:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now save some other quantity of int...
read_imports_paul.R 4.37 k 84902dcfc52a 2018-01-23 22:38:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed the colour scale so that I ...
read_macmap.R 7.67 k 687d115668de 2017-09-29 16:30:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the codes.
read_ntm_with_vroom.R 582 0fe24a602163 2019-05-20 23:45:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> How to use vroom to read really large...
read_plot_aggregate_shiny.R 21.54 k 0d2d5413196b 2022-05-05 06:30:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the inventory.
read_polish_de_minimis.R 8.11 k 6f44e88a0cb6 2023-09-22 04:11:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a couple of R scripts to deal...
read_polish_tam_new.R 7.84 k 8dd061dd98ae 2023-06-28 00:55:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved how I extract the case_ref...
read_polish_tam_new_2023.R 6.67 k d37a35517582 2024-09-18 02:50:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I handle better the file removal and ...
read_process.R 1.6 k 4dba2359890d 2017-05-10 07:30:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A more sophisticated example of the m...
read_results_smoluchowsky_single_simulation.R 20.87 k f55b71d65be7 2007-10-15 18:55:12 iselllo I modified some of the figures genera...
read_test_aws_model.R 1.06 k 24d424306879 2015-11-05 01:44:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some codes and modified some ...
read_two_sets.R 958 fffd6ca93408 2007-01-26 08:18:34 iselllo I corrected a small bug in the code R...
readme 5.42 k 6c5f3136a6b2 2007-02-23 01:07:05 iselllo I updated the R-codes/readme file wit...
reaggregate-bis.R 1.29 k e2ee12bc3b7f 2011-01-30 09:36:04 lorenzo I added a simple script allowing for ...
reaggregate.R 1.29 k 28b8fc544d33 2011-02-03 22:14:54 lorenzo I added a code which allows to reaggr...
rectangling_new.R 1.78 k c0d3226a362d 2025-01-18 02:05:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to query the data.europa datab...
refit_distr.R 6.68 k 71c9ec464196 2018-08-03 22:15:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to fit from scratch the fragme...
removal_and_update.R 37.09 k 5cf9f2ff287a 2010-09-07 22:44:37 lorenzo I removed the titles of the plots and...
remove-triangles.R 1.63 k f2cab1dd7539 2011-01-28 20:38:55 lorenzo I added a script to aggregate the tim...
rename_dplyr.R 419 518761bba47f 2022-01-03 02:59:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to rename many columns at once.
render_global_word.R 127 422ecc487347 2021-10-15 17:38:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to generate the globa...
replace_time.R 624 24d424306879 2015-11-05 01:44:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some codes and modified some ...
report-karl-CZ.R 6.93 k 6bf040368f88 2024-05-31 21:09:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another better way to make a ...
request-julia.R 1.92 k 070e732ad5e2 2025-01-10 06:15:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added other stats.
reshuffle-weights.R 29.76 k 11e39ff8f769 2010-09-07 20:03:52 lorenzo Trivial modifications to the plot (po...
response_cubist.csv 8.76 k ae3524eb857c 2017-05-10 00:33:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> New codes exemplifyng the use of the ...
restaurant-cubist.R 5.6 k 03ce8897741e 2015-04-16 00:47:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A new code to explore the data and so...
restaurant-encodying.R 2.23 k 85073f90ac76 2015-04-08 19:23:44 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now choose if I want to reduce the ...
restaurant-gbm-caret.R 3.33 k 7c9f09ae96b5 2015-04-10 00:30:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code using caret+GBM.
restaurant-xgboost.R 6.97 k 96493b4fdb59 2015-04-24 04:10:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I am better fine-tuning the xgboost m...
restructure_all.R 1.6 k 701014165f02 2020-10-28 08:42:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Modifications and improvements to the...
restructure_fixed.R 986 8cd070e59660 2020-10-19 07:13:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Two codes to generate the training da...
results_breakage_stategies.R 11.31 k 690e5da527ca 2020-08-17 06:24:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the plots.
retrieve_all.R 4.44 k 881befc3784a 2018-09-07 18:45:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply use explicitely the tidyvers...
retrieve_all_EU28.R 3 k 093005091b4b 2017-04-14 19:23:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A slightly modified code to retrieve ...
retrieve_all_tidy.R 8.71 k d0b1090c9178 2020-10-26 08:29:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simplified and improved the code.
retrieve_data_task.R 4.07 k 8fe6f8866110 2016-02-26 18:19:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I simply changed the location of stat...
retrieve_excel_github.R 757 176c03ee800f 2022-02-02 05:27:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a script to retrieve data fro...
retrieve_gdp.R 4.44 k b0b112dc183a 2022-02-19 00:09:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I revised the exchange rates.
retrieve_gerd.R 3.74 k 1bce5c628878 2018-11-15 05:58:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Codes to deal with GERD. The code to ...
retrieve_json_europa.R 882 9334aeefa440 2025-01-18 08:52:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to retrieve a json file from...
retrieve_json_rdf.R 2.3 k ba07279b6dbc 2025-01-23 03:29:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script retrieving the data e...
retrieve_large.R 6.73 k b425ad9c1992 2014-04-18 18:31:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed the name of some columns in...
retrieve_maps.R 1.87 k b9dfbfe2d0ac 2018-06-08 05:30:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to retrieve the world map an...
retrieve_plot.R 3.67 k c7d29011fbb8 2020-09-02 22:08:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example about how to...
reverse_index.R 3.8 k 9f62598e6e1b 2015-11-09 01:19:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script to do reverse indexing and f...
revise_create_sqlite.R 5.41 k 501a2b565751 2022-07-07 00:00:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script showing the revision of the ...
rf_dzidas.R 2.92 k ec1e93a30569 2013-02-03 09:33:54 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code using randomforest and cforest...
rgl-shiny.R 463 669c140019ac 2022-03-04 06:34:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed a bit the script and I now ...
rgl-shiny2.R 483 dec8d20a43ee 2022-03-04 06:34:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Another example of RGL and Shiny.
rgl-shiny3.R 4.26 k 1b23d69f3ba7 2022-03-04 23:57:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Small modifications.
rgl-shiny_plot_real_aggregate.R 3.5 k 5faa0aff20f7 2022-03-14 17:45:58 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I re-enabled the light and material o...
riverplot.R 14.61 k f6b0276471cc 2017-03-21 07:26:17 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a more sophisticated example.
rjsdmx-queries.R 9 k d67578432c50 2014-04-07 21:30:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> More queries and plotting added. Care...
rsql_memory.R 905 cf389799f62b 2013-01-23 07:24:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to read an online mysq...
saltelli_benefit_doubt.R 2.21 k 6913623686be 2016-10-07 18:52:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the code. It now also has t...
sample_tam.R 391 bc982baf214e 2024-02-22 23:33:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Simple code to extract a sample from ...
scatter_plot_ggplot2.R 12.27 k 763dd5c7eb87 2010-11-12 01:41:19 lorenzo I added an extra bit which allows me ...
scoreboard_fiches.R 9.89 k 7f9aa6cadca4 2021-03-18 05:18:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Improvement to the bar plot (keeping ...
search_tam_keywords.R 623 0a0cdb768b1d 2021-12-02 22:34:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to look for keywords ...
search_tam_scoreboard.R 1.53 k 569fd3539a77 2022-09-29 23:19:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a script to look (in parallel...
sectorial_analysis_scoreboard.R 15.2 k c57a57167e78 2024-12-18 21:02:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added extra stats.
seek_correlations.R 12.5 k 3f3015436707 2010-04-17 01:59:08 lorenzo Added a small code capable of doing a...
select_chunk_repeated_values.R 1.34 k f57592150515 2020-11-12 18:51:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the functions in the script.
shiny_condition_server_output.R 810 b43b6e562e9b 2021-09-22 17:16:06 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to use conditionalPanel with a...
shiny_covid.R 76.05 k f4eb0bf5fb43 2022-02-23 22:17:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use a much better looking theme.
shiny_download_selection_reactive.R 1.9 k 563df4576026 2021-09-28 21:10:45 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to download a filtered dataset...
shiny_example_map.R 1.17 k a045da9cd436 2021-09-09 05:30:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example about retrie...
shiny_generate_report.R 1.13 k 4724028705d4 2022-09-19 18:08:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate an automatic repor...
shiny_leaflet_tam.R 1.13 k 1dce768e0e54 2021-09-09 05:51:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate a shiny app with t...
shiny_load_file.R 2.45 k e10d2d842b48 2022-02-24 21:00:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added space as a separator.
shiny_map.R 590 883ee5b4ed53 2020-09-17 19:21:10 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simply script for a map with marker...
shiny_pointblank.R 2.08 k 4752cb7f5726 2025-01-15 02:06:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code showing a shiny interface whic...
shiny_pointblank_input.R 2.62 k 95c71ad13538 2025-01-15 02:13:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a comment.
shiny_qr_code_generator_working.R 1.09 k 6ebda92a7942 2022-01-09 23:06:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now use correction level "M" also o...
shiny_report_tam.R 55.86 k 99f2a958eb33 2023-02-21 21:24:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now the code works entirely with the ...
shiny_scoreboard.R 35.21 k a27f97f7f503 2022-09-23 21:45:14 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Some modifications and added an updat...
shiny_test_plotly.R 358 9404669f2830 2021-09-23 17:03:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple example using plotly with sh...
shiny_truncate_lines.R 1.18 k 5fa68896d301 2021-09-13 17:28:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An example about how to truncate line...
shiny_update_menu.R 1.69 k 5286d3809e3c 2022-09-13 23:04:00 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script illustrating how to g...
simple_leaflet.R 202 9ca69e234005 2020-09-17 19:32:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple leaflet map (no shiny involv...
simple_map.R 8.81 k 38e9541c27cf 2021-08-05 17:53:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another way to generate the m...
simpler-ggplot-map.R 1.72 k 221207123215 2016-06-07 17:20:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed the call to gpclib in both ...
simplified_plots.R 60.2 k ec2f2c8f9040 2018-04-10 17:03:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the plots.
simulate_markov.R 2.17 k 027436f18a0c 2013-09-19 04:03:09 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a code to generate some Marko...
sintering-new.R 8.38 k 263dd6a56b2a 2014-08-07 19:25:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the plots.
smes-risk.R 3.1 k e77d3859a5ff 2024-04-24 18:39:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to get SMEs and broad...
spanish_de_minimis.R 1.36 k 1299312008a2 2024-11-08 19:14:47 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified the script because now the...
spanish_json.R 666 d49cbd91be16 2024-11-08 04:44:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I modified the code since now I have ...
spatial-analysis.R 3.5 k 4f2b1e12ba9a 2015-10-03 23:48:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for a consultancy project. It ...
split_aggregate.R 3.41 k 88973746b241 2016-03-09 21:59:56 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to binary split an aggregate. ...
split_aggregate2.R 1.5 k cd7db6c18457 2017-09-13 05:42:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A file to split the generations of la...
split_save_tam.R 2.79 k 73c8d54e8463 2021-12-21 00:46:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to dump the tam to se...
split_scoreboard.R 5.98 k 3b7396adca01 2024-06-12 05:20:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A function to split the scoreboard an...
split_train.R 2.26 k 5f7f832e74b3 2014-12-15 04:40:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Scripts to split the data into traini...
stack.R 2.11 k b9df22820559 2011-02-16 22:12:30 lorenzo I added a script capable of generatin...
stat_covid_new.R 6.33 k e2bb9210bd71 2021-03-11 17:41:40 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added the stats for the whole EU an...
stat_lib.R 184.93 k 3e0e80446c9d 2025-01-23 03:38:25 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a function to handle sparql q...
statistic_and_arrows.R 6.58 k 138006e4acd4 2007-11-10 09:39:51 iselllo I modified the labels along the y axi...
statistics-fractals.R 5.94 k 24010637384d 2011-03-11 02:09:59 lorenzo This code calculates the two-body cor...
statistics_fragmentation.R 13.13 k 3bdea5b9a0ba 2021-01-05 07:25:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the figures and I now use ...
status_portfolio.R 3.11 k e41d2ec3c831 2024-12-16 21:16:21 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I again modified some paths.
store_sql_lite.R 941 bb43de15df64 2020-07-07 05:52:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I fixed the code here and there.
support-RD.R 67.79 k 6269dfb9fa9f 2014-08-30 01:14:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added extra datasets to both scripts.
support-focus-on-country.R 13.72 k 6269dfb9fa9f 2014-08-30 01:14:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added extra datasets to both scripts.
support-focus-select-country.R 16.08 k 29f5a08629ea 2014-09-06 00:20:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added an extra plot at the end of t...
surface_fitting.R 18.97 k 32fb0bdb1a61 2013-08-09 04:28:50 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I introduced a function for my favori...
svm-from-kaggle.R 1.64 k 1b115fe38cdf 2014-10-17 22:00:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code with SVM and selection of the ...
svm_radial.R 2.91 k 785e3dc5e1c9 2014-10-16 04:38:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code using the e1071 library to tra...
swap_elements.R 727 1605132304cc 2021-10-06 20:39:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications.
synthesis.R 1.15 k 7d0077342f99 2024-10-09 00:32:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now also clean the names.
table_initial_report.R 7.86 k 87367da14d51 2015-10-13 18:56:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate some data tables.
table_scoreboard.R 2.51 k e9de0a7c9813 2022-06-24 18:37:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Minor modifications to the code to fi...
tam-diagnostics.R 1.3 k c8d552ffbe18 2024-03-22 22:45:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added another file to carry out som...
tam_interactive_map.R 5.61 k a5ad3e12220f 2021-09-08 23:08:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a new map with the tam data a...
tam_map_debug.R 1.5 k d35259b30f79 2021-09-03 23:25:19 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example of a heat ma...
tam_parquet_file.R 680 fa3f698240c9 2022-10-20 20:13:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script showing how to work with a l...
tam_query.R 1.76 k faae683130e0 2024-03-18 22:03:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I changed the name of the input file.
technical_analysis.R 18.42 k fd149a6c8464 2024-12-17 01:28:40 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I use now the number of assets I want...
tes_gen.R 1.33 k c5f06be3a62c 2010-10-05 00:22:49 lorenzo I added a simple script I used to car...
test-cyprus-facet.R 10.26 k 8b39e91220ce 2023-11-25 06:34:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I have improved the self-contained ex...
test-lda.R 2.38 k f34d032de0c1 2023-11-09 22:10:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a bit to determine the optima...
test-likelihood.R 1.04 k eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
test-mclust.R 816 25e160e49e95 2011-02-24 20:59:40 lorenzo I added a simple code to do machine l...
test-mlr-cubist.R 43 560f3f90dbef 2017-01-06 00:30:30 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to use cubist with mlr.
test-optim.R 1.16 k c5ff925d8e95 2016-01-17 05:48:41 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small script showing how to use opt...
test-rob.R 1.14 k 67a69a423a07 2016-02-01 20:43:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now more plots are saved.
test.R 283 eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
test_access.R 886 3aab36f840c9 2013-06-26 05:05:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code that uses a regularized linear...
test_add_row.R 362 7cfc09d19789 2020-03-23 07:46:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A snippet showing how to aggregate (a...
test_agent_pointblank.R 1.25 k b2bd2262d7b3 2025-01-07 03:48:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script showcasing the pointblank pa...
test_animation.R 2.84 k c4fb9b1f1001 2019-07-04 04:19:24 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added two codes using gganimate to ...
test_attractors.R 2.18 k 3f40b4513eb5 2023-03-05 04:42:52 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I create an attractor and I use ggsav...
test_change_shiny_viz.R 1.3 k 4823b9185b9f 2021-09-15 22:48:55 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I can now choose between alternate el...
test_clustering.R 3.47 k 0dbe68023fcd 2017-08-18 22:15:44 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to carry out a hierarchical cl...
test_colors.R 1.36 k 27e79be03598 2010-04-13 22:36:05 lorenzo I added a code snippet showing how to...
test_entropy.R 2.59 k 4bbe316ee92c 2010-10-11 00:39:03 lorenzo I added a code where I test several d...
test_facet.R 6.77 k fce73599fc76 2023-06-04 02:13:39 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> An example script about how to genera...
test_factors.R 441 efcf65d56700 2022-09-16 22:36:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> How to recode factors based on their ...
test_filling.R 1.39 k e2161667db1e 2010-05-05 23:37:47 lorenzo This is a small example about how to ...
test_filter.R 1.44 k 9bf461011029 2021-05-20 23:33:32 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the examples.
test_formatting_elaborate.R 1.94 k f75dd097989c 2020-03-18 05:27:01 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A very sophisticated table with a lot...
test_graph.R 1.58 k 660c7feed190 2008-01-09 09:00:30 iselllo I added the code test_graph.R to perf...
test_graph_conversion.R 384 76e630c21779 2021-08-01 02:48:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a reference.
test_hashing.R 667 444181305a23 2020-06-04 19:41:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I updated the functions in the example.
test_histogram_ggplot2.R 790 e861084df9ff 2010-01-08 17:17:30 lorenzo This code is self-contained example o...
test_join_databases.R 1.5 k adbb4dfa1767 2020-12-26 06:04:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I have fixed the example.
test_kable.R 793 63c0ef51b2b9 2020-03-18 23:50:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code with kabble introducing line b...
test_kable2.R 831 9405de8faf4d 2020-03-19 00:57:04 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Again a kable example about how to br...
test_kable_justification.R 4.54 k e9aeeb88c18b 2020-10-13 20:54:42 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a self-contained example of a...
test_kable_simple.R 1.49 k 1728d58bda1a 2020-10-14 22:21:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple example about wrapping text ...
test_kuhn.R 1.09 k 564da31a08b4 2020-04-06 05:40:24 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small script illustrating tidy mode...
test_lines_and_points.R 6.19 k ca32d565e58f 2010-06-21 00:46:32 lorenzo I added a small script showing how to...
test_log_nice.R 1.09 k 324cf8383efa 2023-01-19 00:31:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Script for log binning and plotting.
test_logit_normal.R 4.89 k 46738912863c 2017-12-22 21:34:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code with a simple function to fit ...
test_lognormal.R 2.62 k c86e7bef430c 2010-01-26 02:21:25 lorenzo Showing how to fit and plot a lognorm...
test_m_l.R 1.03 k 90dc31eb2936 2009-10-16 01:18:33 lorenzo A nice little script to calculate the...
test_map_europe.R 39.09 k 1317710bd1b5 2021-08-05 04:48:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed the last couple of lines.
test_mine_etherscan.R 6.08 k d172fa5a5abd 2023-12-21 21:31:13 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the script.
test_multiplot.R 1.41 k 5408a34cf24f 2009-11-16 18:35:52 lorenzo Extra modifications performed on this...
test_note_color.R 2.48 k 504f97fa94b0 2020-03-17 19:21:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Code to save a table with colored lin...
test_nse.R 3.16 k b362679417a0 2018-09-11 17:50:31 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I expanded the code on examples of NSE.
test_open_datasets.R 1.21 k 1bb702817bd1 2022-10-23 16:39:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script showing how to convert a tsv...
test_percentage_kable.R 1.66 k 0c299aaca51f 2020-07-17 05:02:20 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple example for conditional form...
test_placeholder.R 1021 8493145a6b44 2023-02-08 20:32:02 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to show how to use mo...
test_plot_matrix.R 600 28d3709a7d26 2010-03-11 02:31:10 lorenzo I implemented the use of a colorbar i...
test_plot_spheres_sticks.R 4.16 k 8d6b99860b1e 2021-07-25 07:24:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the plot. See also https:/...
test_plotly_hover_customize.R 2.01 k 0bc818d0cf5c 2022-02-08 20:58:05 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to customise what I s...
test_plotly_legend.R 1005 db4a8dd90425 2021-09-24 05:19:37 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script showing how to correc...
test_plotly_stack.R 1.59 k 92fa48038de1 2018-04-06 18:13:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example showing how ...
test_pointblank_validation.R 605 951210671562 2025-01-14 06:55:59 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script showing how to use po...
test_random.R 1.74 k a0865d051149 2008-12-29 09:58:24 iselllo R code to generate a set of stochasti...
test_random_multiple_trajectories.R 3.42 k f031258d78a8 2009-01-13 22:36:05 iselllo Corrected a trivial bug: I forgot to ...
test_read_multiple_comma_separated_excel.R 659 576efdf1985a 2022-01-15 03:26:38 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script showing how to deal w...
test_remove_short_words.R 768 54bb73ea89fb 2021-05-30 21:32:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to test the functions...
test_save_plotly.R 3.18 k 2c6b8c5a9b53 2018-04-03 16:37:19 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A small script to generate a plotly v...
test_scale_rgl.R 4.3 k 9a8f96f96b30 2022-03-07 18:50:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example about an agg...
test_scatterplot_ggplot.R 1.74 k 81962985696e 2010-02-24 00:09:08 lorenzo I added a simple snippet to generate ...
test_shiny_download_filter.R 986 fb5e4cd727f8 2021-09-28 17:54:23 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script showing how to downlo...
test_shiny_latex_plotly.R 725 0f6c46bd4385 2022-04-01 21:47:18 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a reference.
test_shiny_output_panel.R 1.66 k a72a5c0c0aac 2021-09-22 21:50:28 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A script for a shiny interface which ...
test_sink.R 140 bb86764172e5 2010-07-26 19:24:15 lorenzo I added a snippet showing how to save...
test_summary.R 632 fb6dbc5e9111 2020-09-19 05:49:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I had saved the wrong solution!
test_tidymodels.R 1.1 k 177a5303300f 2019-10-01 23:18:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a small script showing mainly...
test_two_datasets.R 9.48 k 67e1e4f0596d 2017-09-29 16:32:19 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to study in detail the HS6 cat...
test_vdl.R 2.39 k 23aace73b9f5 2023-10-25 19:03:57 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code showing quanteda vis-a-vis tid...
test_whale.R 715 7137a4d77423 2023-12-18 06:22:53 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example to track a w...
text_analysis_sentiment.R 4.53 k e8a03cdedc3a 2013-07-05 06:56:36 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to carry out some bas...
text_mining.R 4.09 k 060281ed69fa 2017-11-06 07:06:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I have further developed the code. No...
tf_idf_tidy.R 7.63 k 57999279bcb6 2024-08-29 18:22:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> Now the code processes everything. It...
tidy_fragmentation.R 9.13 k 80cef292a6bf 2017-11-21 01:00:16 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now save the cleaned fragment distr...
tidymodels_berd.R 9.79 k e12360ec4c08 2020-10-17 05:23:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example of a glmnet ...
tidymodels_berd_all.R 10.44 k 5f7a3b925e35 2020-12-11 21:07:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now also save the rules and the par...
tiger-data.R 12.77 k 1b5fc4b49a38 2015-10-02 04:22:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code which exemplifies several kind...
tikz_panel.R 1.48 k 24bc27eef1e5 2010-06-14 02:55:54 lorenzo I added a small script showing how to...
time-reversal.R 1.07 k f99a5e091c86 2010-10-02 06:19:48 lorenzo There was a bug in the script! I need...
toy_eu28_graph.R 5.46 k 874ae37ab401 2017-12-01 19:14:26 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a suggestion and I am using a...
track_whales.R 660 e136489707fe 2023-12-18 06:24:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed the api.
trade_animated_time_series.R 11.74 k 3171d5d63256 2019-10-26 04:27:49 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I now also save the visualisations as...
trade_partner_FDI.R 1.61 k 21b5e477ef8a 2018-06-19 00:09:34 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to provide the direct...
trade_war.R 7.3 k 91b134e0e1b1 2020-07-01 19:36:44 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a static map saved as a pdf.
transport-data.R 21.35 k 4549b0d82fa5 2014-11-07 01:22:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a new dataset and I wrote a f...
trimodal-luisa.R 646 eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
trimodal3.R 448 eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
twomodal.R 762 eadcb1bbe5db 2006-12-11 00:31:20 iselllo
uniform_non_uniform_breakage.R 9.32 k b6c31613e3ac 2020-12-09 21:45:12 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I removed the value of the threshold ...
upload_app.R 229 5a4e9b8b14ba 2020-10-30 22:22:22 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple script to upload the app. To...
usemodel_cubist.R 10.45 k 267bac678507 2020-12-07 07:03:11 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A self-contained example using cubist...
variable-importance.R 1.06 k 440a8200b2a7 2011-04-06 00:17:15 lorenzo A code using the caret package to ana...
varimax.R 860 ddefbd74274e 2019-11-13 23:48:27 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to carry out varimax rotation.
visibility-improved.R 11.15 k cfc149abd38c 2010-09-14 00:29:04 lorenzo Minor improvements to the code.
visibility_test.R 10.23 k 5b7348ebeae7 2010-08-06 05:42:30 lorenzo I added a code to calculate the visib...
visit.R 46.19 k ffeb1adf998b 2009-09-22 23:46:20 lorenzo I now included all the features of vi...
visit_and_flux.R 46.19 k abf76c14546c 2009-09-09 07:22:14 lorenzo Now the code saves various flags for ...
viz-brexit.R 5.51 k cfc1ab987435 2019-03-26 06:48:48 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A file showing how to load packages t...
viz-coreness.R 2.74 k 8119d0ee7211 2015-07-31 05:13:35 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to generate a network in 3D an...
wallmart_linear_model.R 975 ce3f85370ef0 2014-03-08 01:41:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A simple linear model for the wallmar...
wasserstein-distance.R 18.2 k 1d64e9a463b1 2017-03-30 04:26:03 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to calculate the Wasserstein d...
wasserstein.R 804 a47a362afd5e 2017-03-08 01:35:46 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code for Wasserstein distance calcu...
weights_indicator.R 18.62 k 9212c0736610 2020-02-06 01:18:43 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added a few extra plots and improve...
world-map-ggplot2.R 4.17 k 61c8e5731fb6 2013-11-27 22:41:33 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> A code to plot EU/world maps with the...
world_example.R 2.6 k a96343196f6f 2019-12-02 08:33:08 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I improved the animation by using tra...
xgboost_benchmark-otto.R 8.22 k de664a91307b 2015-03-30 23:17:07 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some more features to my code.
xml2_efsa.R 904 abc3ff5205e5 2020-08-25 21:52:51 Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmail.com> I added some lines to remove the name...


This is a short documentation about the R codes developed so far.
1)nls.R ---> an example code fitting a Gaussian function (not a distribution)
             created artificially with some noise on top using the nls function
             called with the default parameters
2)nls2.R --->a code using the nls routine to fit a multimodal Gaussian function
            (NOT a distribution) using the nls function. Designed to fit the data 
            from Krakow specifically, it breaks down when using three modes, whereas 
            it works when we use it only with two Gaussian modes. 
3)nls3.R --->practically the same as nls2.R; the only difference is the chosen 
4)fitting2.R --->this is just a sketch about how to implement the log-likelihood function
              to optimize to estimate the parameters of a threemodal gaussian distribution.
              It does NOT work since the optim does not take into account the constrains I must
              have on the weights of the three distributions (w1+w2+w3=1).
5)test.R ---> an example of how to use the fitdistr function to fit UNIVARIATE distributions.
              The test is performed on some artificially generated data.
6)test-likelihood.R--->very similar to test.R
7)trimodal3.R ---> example about how to use the mixdist package to fit the parameters of a MULTIVARIATE distribution (using likelihood functions) on artificially generated data. The code shows the problems one experiences when working with truncated data.
8)trimodal-luisa.R --->as above, but the trimodal fitting is applied to the data from Krakow
9)nls-LM.R --->code using the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) alghorithm to fit damped oscillations.
10)nls-LM2.R ---> code using the LM method to fit a Gaussian function
11)nls-LM3.R --->code to perform the LM fitting on the data from Krakow
12)twomodal.R --->code to analyze the data from Krakow in terms of the distributions
                  using only two Gaussians.
13)plot-nls.R ---> code to plot the results from nls2.R when using 2 modes. It should in the
                  future be included in nls2.R using the coeff() function to pass the fitted 
                  parameters to it.
14)mcdonald.R ---> experimental code able to perform the fitting of mixed distributions
                   even when they are truncated. it requires mixccc.txt to work
15)mixccc.txt ---> see above
16)nls-LM-read-data2.R ---> it fits the data from Krakow using the LM alghorithm; it works out the quantities of interest and plots them together with a selected fitting      
17)nls-LM-read-data2bis.R ---> as above but it corrects a small bug (one of the generated pdf
files now reads total volume instead of total particle number) and above all it now works
out the \integral_{x}^\infinity of the lognormal distribution [it is used to find out how many
particles are actually observed according to the fittings].
18) LM-single-mode.R --->same as twomodal.R (see 12)) but this time using only a Gaussian to fit the data
19)plots-burtschler.R ---> code to plot the fitted results obtained from 18) LM-single-mode.R on a log scale
20)plots-burtschler2.R---> it reads the empirical data and the parameters of several fitted distributions and plots one against the other.
21)nls-LM-read-data2-smoothing.R ----> again, it fits the Krakow data using a bimodal distribution, but it also saves the basics of the statistical analysis. Finally, it also smoothes the results.
22)integration.R ---> it reads data and performs a 4-point numerical integration.
23)fpe-phase-space-wall.R --->code to represent the analytical solution of the FPE in phase space and construct combination of the Green functions
24)analytic solution delta-x-p ---> code to get the analytical results for density (in physical space) in the case of a wall for a solution of the FPE imposing proper boundary conditions.
25)fpe-phase-space-wall-6-adapt---> now the code includes some extra functionalities together with
the adapt package to carry out numerical integration. 
26)integration-and-plots-corrected-final.R--->code to carry out automatic reading, integration and 
plotting of the quantities of interest as resulting from the Fokker-Planck equations.
27) plots-transient.R--->small script which uses mathplot to automatically plot many different
 results in one go.
28)plots_simulated_velocity.R---> another small script which is useful to sequentially read and
 plot some results
29)plot-boundary.R---> this code joins a numerical solution for the velocity to the ansatz by
 Yannis for the wall region, the buffer sub-layer and the log-region. It allows the user to
specify the thickness of the boundary layer.
30)grid-representation.R--->code to reproduce examples 2.2.a and 2.2.c 
from the book by Orlandi (i.e. mesh transformation clustering at the 
walls and at the centre, respectively)
30)R-vortex-inlet--->simple code to plot the velocity profile in eq. 7.9 
in the book by Orlandi
31) Housiadas_T_profile---> simple code to print & calculate the 
temperature profile (axial mean T) in a tube using the turbulent 
expression in the paper by Housiadas & Yannis.
32) read_two_sets.R ---> it automatically reads and plot (on the same 
diagram) two data sets.
33) green.R --> it calculates the time integral of the Green function at 
the wall for a steady source and it also calculates lamda length (Milne 
extrapolation length)
33)nls-LM-read-and-plot.R ---> fitting for a simple log-normal 
distribution, but this code is able to handle multiple distributions 