IBM OpenDX, the successor to IBM Visualization Data Explorer, (known simply as DX) is a general-purpose software package for data visualization and analysis. It employs a data-flow driven client-server execution model and provides a graphical program editor that allows the user to create a visualization using a point and click interface. Applications can also be built on top of portions of the Data Explorer system, so that custom, turnkey applications can be easily developed using DX as the computational and rendering engine.
taccGL is a JavaScript canvas library for animating HTML elements and 3D objects as integrated scenes with depth buffering and shadows. It uses the GPU-accelerated HTML5 canvas (WebGL).
Features include accelerated motion in 2D and 3D space, rotating, mapping of HTML elements on 3D objects, custom shaders, etc. The library loads 3D models from OBJ files.
In WebGL mode, animations mostly run inside the GPU.
Otherwise, there is a restricted fallback to the 2D canvas.
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a class library written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce games and demos utilising 3D hardware. It exposes a number of useful objects allowing you to create and manipulate a 3D environment and render it to your specifications, while removing the unnecessary complexities of the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL.
The Noble Ape Simulation is a collection of a number of autonomous simulation components including a landscape simulation, biological simulation, weather simulation, sentient creature (Noble Ape) simulation, and a simple intelligent-agent scripting language (ApeScript). Noble Ape also contains a social simulation where the Noble Apes can be tracked in terms of social groups and also over many generations to explain social phenomenon to users looking to study this kind of interaction. It has been in development for more than a fifteen years.
相关项目MPC-BE, MAME Spirits, Separate+, unofficial gpSP kai, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
The Irrlicht Engine is a high performance real-time 3D engine written and usable in C++, and also available for .NET languages. It is completely cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL, and its own software renderer.
相关项目Separate+, Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Amateras, Dumpper v.60.3 |
Aqsis is a cross-platform 3D rendering solution adhering to the RenderMan standard defined by Pixar. Features include programmable shading, true displacements, 3D depth-of-field, motion blur, NURBS, subdivision surfaces, CSG, procedural plugins, and more.
gtkglextmm is a C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt, an OpenGL extension to GTK+.
OpenSim is a project to develop a functioning
virtual worlds server
platform capable of supporting multiple clients
and servers in a
heterogeneous grid structure.
Unity is a user-friendly development environment for designing and programming 3D games and a 3D game engine. Scripting is done using JavaScript, C#, or Boo via an embedded Mono run time. The resulting games can be deployed as stand-alone Mac OS X or Windows applications, Web plug-ins, or as Dashboard widgets. Unity is the tool that was used by Unity Technologies to create their game Gooball, which is available from Ambrosia Software.
Sh is a programming language built on top of C++. It can be used to write shaders that run on top of modern graphics processing units (GPUs), or write stream programs that run on GPUs or CPUs. It is implemented as a C++ library, and allows programs to be generated at run-time using a number of metaprogramming techniques. Variants of programs for different cases can easily be generated, or programs can be generated entirely at run-time from some input data. The system is cleanly separated into a frontend and backend, and is hence portable.
相关项目iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Separate+, Properties Editor, SmillaEnlarger, MergeDoc |
PDFCube is an OpenGL PDF viewer that adds a
compiz/Keynote-like spinning cube effect to your
PDF presentations (including beamer and prosper
ones). As a bonus, you can zoom on 5 predefined
areas of any presentation page with a smooth
zooming effect.
Simulum deals with different simulations of star movements
and their visualizations. At first it looks at the projection and
accumulation of star brightness. In actually doing this it
distributes stars among a three dimensional figure. To get a
nice effect it combines the photographic image production
with a moving view point. So the outcome is the visual
impression of flying through a star field. Secondly it studies
different algorithms of particle movements and clustering.
The primary approach uses a combination of Newton's
gravitational law, energy, and impulse conservation. At all
these stages an highly dynamic view of the processes is able
to be produced.
相关项目MeCab, MAME Spirits, MPC-BE, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, KancolleSniffer |
The Interreality project is a collection of Open Source, Free Software projects based on the Virtual Object System (VOS) platform. The goal is to develop a free and open platform for multi-user 3D virtual reality games, applications, and interactive, collaborative 3D virtual spaces. VOS is a powerful and generic network object framework designed to support a variety of high-performance applications. It is the basis for Ter'Angreal, a general-purpose browser application for entering and participating in 3D worlds.
相关项目unofficial gpSP kai, Properties Editor, Win32 Disk Imager, Amateras, MAME Spirits |
Mercator is a terrain generation and management library that handles the data required to handle terrain rendering and physics, including classes to handle vegetation.
相关项目Dumpper v.60.3, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, unofficial gpSP kai, MeCab, Properties Editor |
stl2pov reads an STL (Standard Triangulation Language) file and outputs a POVray mesh. It has been tested with STL files generated by Pro/Engineer.
相关项目DeSmuME, nkf Network Kanji Filter, MeCab, Separate+, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |