Gelatin is a simple and fast program for transforming text to structured formats such as XML, JSON, or YAML. It is a combined lexer, parser, and output generator.
AldoContent is a lightweight CMS focused on
usability and simplicity.
It is designed for multilingual Web sites and can
have sections with
public and private content. It has file
management, is extensible with
plugins, and uses gettext for localization. Is
written in PHP for a
MySQL backend.
Bibkeeper is a Java graphical interface for working with BibTeX (.bib) databases. The intention is to provide a user-friendly tool for accessing and editing your bibliographical databases.
gpFinder is a file manager based on the elFinder project. Written in JavaScript using jQuery UI, it can be easily integrated with all of the most popular Web editors (elRTE, CKEditor, and TinyMCE).
相关项目DeSmuME, LinqJsonStar, Darik's Boot and Nuke, SmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar |
Pipho is a Web-based image gallery that is optimized for the iPhone and iPad. It is based on the original iPhone Photos application. The presentation layer is the Jaipho JavaScript gallery. It will read images from the desired folder, create resized thumbnails and slide images, and also will dump JavaScript read images part. In addition, it will read text files as descriptions for both gallery and slides. It has a mechanism for iPhone and iPad detection.
loadcsv is a small utility to load data from CSV files into a database. It gets the names of the columns from the first row of the CSV file. It supports MySQL, PostgresSQL, and sqlite, but can be used with other SQL databases by using the utility to generate SQL statements and sending them to the database.
XML Security is an implementation of the W3C
digital signature specification that makes it
possible for programmers to create and validate
signed XML documents. It is currently being
expanded to include the W3C encryption
相关项目TOMBO, PeaZip, MeCab, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Dumpper v.60.3 |
XMLEditor is an application for editing XML files.
It is written using the GTK widget set and
requires GLADE and libxml.
websqlclient (WSQLC or wiskl) is a lightweight HTTP server which allows an end user to access JDBC data sources via automatically-generated data entry screens. It is designed to be used with standard Web browsers and wireless tablet PCs, and is highly configurable. It can connect to any JDBC data source. Its main purpose is to provide rapid data-model-driven development. The websqlclient data entry forms are generated by querying the database system table information, but can be configured manually. websqlclient includes a database-agnostic data loading utility (SQLLoader), a data unloading tool (SQLExport), and SQL scripting capabilities.
相关项目YANMAH2 - 携帯端末のための代替, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack |
MPDisco is a Node.js-based music server built to let teams and groups control a single music player together.
Accessing an MPDisco server puts each user, after logging in, in a rotating DJ queue. Each user will be given one hour (by default) to control the playlist and music player.
XmlTestSuite is an XML-based tool based on HttpUnit for testing complex Web applications using XML. It supports test driven development, database checking, XPath and JavaScript expressions, and can separate test data from test steps. The tests are also written in XML.
zpub is a server to collaboratively work on DocBook-based documentation. Editors modify the XML sources with their preferred editor and submit their changes via Subversion. zpub renders the files centrally to various output formats, optionally notifies other editors, provides an archive of all previous revisions of the document, and supports a simple sign-off workflow. The documentation and user interface is currently only available in German.
The Eventual PlayFramework-AngularJS-Bootstrap-MongoDB Seed Project is a seed project that provides a CRUD implementation. It uses the Play Framework and MongoDB on the backend, and AngularJS and Bootstrap on the front-end. It is designed to underpin the development of future applications that adopt the same combination of technologies.
相关项目TuxGuitar, DeSmuME, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, Sledge, coroid project |
Coq au Vin is a blogging engine written in Chicken Scheme. It is designed to appeal to users who have basic Web development skills (i.e., who know HTML and CSS), are able to install their own server-side software, and would rather edit a template than press 105 buttons to customize their sites.
相关项目iReport-Designer for JasperReports, XOOPS, DeSmuME, Sledge, Portal Application Laboratory |
HTML::TableExtract is a Perl module that
simplifies the extraction of information from
tables within HTML documents. Tables, no matter
how nested or clustered, can be targeted
symbolically with column headers or by more
specific depth and count information.