eMount is a free system administrator tool that can mount, encrypt, and manage disk image files and physical disk drives. It relies on cryptsetup, which implements the LUKS disk encryption specification.
Xffm Code Set is a set of applications and libraries which avoid reinventing features available from the Unix command line by using
interprocess communication with command line applications. The applications are managed from the Rodent Filemanager.
DupeFinder is a simple application for locating, moving,
renaming, and deleting duplicate files in a directory
structure. It's perfect both for users who haven't kept their
hard drives very well organized and need to do some
cleaning to free space, and for users who like to keep lots of
backup copies of important data "just in case" something
bad should happen.
Mr Commander is a file manager based on GTK+ 2.0.
It behaves like the Total Commander program, which
is available on MS Windows. It features SMB and
FTP support.
相关项目Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, X/Qt Server, OpenTween |
Find4j is a platform-independent file search tool that can look for files in any hierarchy of filesystem folders or nested zip-compatible archives such a zip, jar, war, ear, and more. It can be used from an intuitive and user-friendly graphical frontend or from the command line.
相关项目MeCab, WinMerge Japanese, Dumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager, Special Launch |
Genetic Algorithm File Fitter, GAFFitter for short, is a tool based on a genetic algorithm (GA) that tries to fit a collection of items into as few as possible volumes of a specific size. For example, the items might be files/directories and the volumes might be CDs or DVDs. The task of arranging items in such manner that the number of required bins is minimized is called Bin Packing, a NP-hard combinatorial problem for which no deterministic polynomial-time algorithm is known. Using heuristics, such as GAs, it is usually possible to approximate -- and often reach -- the best solution for the problem within a reasonable time.
Xplore is a powerful and highly configurable Motif file manager with an Explorer-like user interface. Besides the usual tree and file views, xplore also has a "shelf", which is a kind of clipboard inspired by the NeXT file manager, and a "log" pane for capturing output from launched programs. The builtin automounter allows you to access removable media in a transparent manner. Files can be moved and copied using simple mouse operations, and you can execute type-specific shell commands when a file is opened, used as the target of a drag and drop operation, or manipulated using popup menus. File types can be defined in terms of arbitrary filename and MIME type patterns. Full keyboard navigation is also supported, including an incremental filename search facility. Last but not least, xplore speaks all standard X11 session management protocols and thus integrates nicely with most popular desktop environments.
gcp (Goffi's CoPier) is a command line file copying tool, loosely inspired by cp, but with high level functionality like a progress indicator, the ability to continue copying multiple files even when there is a problem with one of them, and the use of a journal to track successful copying. File names can be fixed to ensure compatibility with the target filesystem. If you launch a copy operation when another is already running, the files are added to the first queue to avoid hard drive thrashing. You can keep track of files you have copied, and re-copy them later. gcp is approximately option-compatible with cp.
相关项目Darik's Boot and Nuke, WinMerge Japanese, TERASOLUNA Framework, Virtual Floppy Drive, Seasar |
nautilus-follow-symlink is a nautilus extension
that adds a context menu entry to nautilus on
symbolic links pointing to directories, which once
clicked opens the pointed directory (the real
path) in a window. It does so both when right
clicking on the folder icon or on the contents of
an opened symbolic link.
TouchGraph is a set of interfaces for graph visualization using spring-layout and focus+context techniques. Current applications include a utility for organizing links, a visual Wiki Browser, and a Google Graph Browser which uses the Google API.
相关项目MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, WinMerge Japanese, MPC-BE, PukiWiki |
digup is a console tool to update md5sum or shasum digest files. It will read existing digest files, check the current directory for new, updated, modified, renamed, or deleted files, and query the user with a summary of changes. After reviewing the updates, they can be written back to the digest file. This makes digup very useful to update and verify incremental archives like chronological data storages, which are commonly stored and backed up on hard disks. Using a full file digest scan, even slowly creeping bad blocks on old hard disks can be detected. By using a crontab entry, this check can be performed unattended and routinely.
Docpile is a PHP-based document management
system that allows multiple people to share
documents and keep track of revisions. Users can
upload and download documents, grant per-file,
-user, or -folder access privileges, and send
notification emails when documents are being
updated. Administrators can create access
groups, each responsible for a different set of
folders and users.
DirsSync is a python tool to synchronise 2 directories. This application will synchronise all the files and all the sub-directories, and prompt the user to confirm all the moves.
Not A Commander is yet another file manager modeled after the Norton Commander. Good integration with the command line is the primary goal.
Tux Commander is a GTK2 file manager with two side-by-side panels.
Some of its functions are inspired by Total Commander. The main goal
of this project is to create a powerful user-friendly file manager for