Simple Project List Software Map

766 projects in result set
最后更新: 2002-10-01 02:53

Java DIME Library

Java DIME Library implements Direct Internet
Message Encapsulation (DIME), which is a
lightweight binary encapsulation format that
can be used to encapsulate multiple payloads
of arbitrary types and sizes into a single
message. DIME is ideal for incorporating
binary attachments into any XML-based
protocol. The library fully supports the latest
DIME specifications.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-10-06 05:08


sendPGPMail.cgi is a small CGI script for sending
an encrypted PGP email message to a predefined
receiver from an HTTPS secured Web page. The
typical use of this script is to provide the users
of a secure Web site the possibility to send a
secure email to a predefined employee of a
company. The CGI script gets its input from an
HTML form and passes it on to gpg. The message and
its attachments are encrypted using the PGP public
key of the predefined receiver.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-01-15 23:35

CBL RememberMe

CBL RememberMe is a tiny library that adds the
"remember me" functionality to PHP session
handling. By using the library, you can continue
using the normal $_SESSION variable, while adding
the "remember me" funcitionality to your Web

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-08-30 00:37


trackSearchHits.cgi examines the traffic your site
is receiving from the major search engines by
processing Apache Web server logs. It displays
hits generated by clicks from Yahoo, MSN, and
Google searches and displays a bar chart comparing
the number of hits from each search engine.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-03-23 09:57


TCB::SysLoads is a DBIx::Frame object written to
keep track of system loads, both local and remote,
at the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics
Group at UIUC. It provides an administrative web
interface for adding and reading this information,
plus a series of scripts for loading this
information and a series of CGIs for extracting
the information into graphs.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2001-10-06 02:28

XPath Methods

XPath Methods allows XPath queries on ParsedXML XML documents (and possibly other DOM implementations) in Zope. XPath is a relatively simple but still quite powerful query language used to address portions of XML documents. When you call an XPath Method you will retrieve a set of DOM nodes which you can then display in a Web page using DTML or ZPT, or which you can issue operations upon using, for instance, Python scripts.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2005-03-17 04:24


HTMLTools is a set of Python tools to fetch and manipulate HTML pages and their related content.

最后更新: 2002-03-13 00:51

Network And Service Monitoring System

Network and Service Monitoring System is a tool
for assisting network administrators in managing
and monitoring the activities of their network. It
helps in getting the status information of
critical processes running at any machine in the
network. It can be used to monitor the bandwidth
usage of individual machines in the network. It
also performs checks for IP-based network services
like POP3, SMTP, NNTP, FTP, etc., and can give you
the status of the DNS server. The system uses
MySQL for storing the information, and the output
is displayed via a Web interface.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2008-05-03 05:05


cgilib is a library that provides a simple programming API to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). It features HTTP Redirect, provides read access to form variables, and sets and reads HTTP cookies.

最后更新: 2003-06-18 06:19

Doug's Impromptu Survey

dsurvey (Doug's Impromptu Survey) is a quick, down
and dirty, easy-to-configure, CGI-based online
survey. It is implemented as a set of Perl CGI and
config scripts which work with Apache 1.3 and
MySQL 3.25.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2006-10-17 09:33

Rails Page Cache Test Plugin

The Rails Page Cache Test Plugin adds two assertions to the Test::Units::TestCase class of Ruby on Rails to check the caching and expiring of pages in integration tests.

最后更新: 2001-10-01 06:11


EtText is a simple plain-text format which allows conversion to
and from HTML. It provides an easy-to-edit, easy-to-read and
intuitive way to write HTML, based on plain-text markup
conventions. Like most simple text markup formats (POD, setext,
etc.), EtText markup handles the usual things: insertion of
paragraph tags, header recognition, and markup. However it also
adds a powerful link markup system, and tries to generate code
which conforms to XHTML.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2001-07-17 12:38

Forms for Metadot Web Portal

Forms for Metadot Web Portal is a web based forms
package for the metadot portal. From your browser
you can define a form with checkboxes, radio
buttons, etc. Validate minimum length, max size, or
against a regexp, attach "help" to field, and usual
forms package type stuff. Users can then use the
web to enter data according to your forms. It
works within the metadot portal environment (nice,
flexible portal - gpl mod_perl mysql).

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2002-04-30 13:12

Web Components Toolit

Web Component Tookit is a library for Servlet
programming in Java that mimics the Swing library
API whenever possible. Instead of using the
Servlet API directly, the developers are presented
with a programming model that is similar to AWT
and Swing

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-06-05 15:12


Puno is a PHP module (PHP5 and Linux/Unix only)
that brings the UNO Programming
API to the PHP userspace. You can use it to write
scripts that create, modify, read, and save documents (Writer, Spreadsheet,
and Drawing). You can export these documents in
various formats, such as PDF or HTML.

(Machine Translation)