MPC-HC は非常に軽量な Windows 用オープン ソースのメディア プレーヤーです。再生に使用される一般的なすべてのビデオおよびオーディオ ファイル形式をサポートしています。私たちは 100% スパイウェアを含まず、広告やツール バーもありません。
このプロジェクトは、オリジナルの Guliverkli プロジェクト を基に、機能追加およびバグ修正を行っています。詳細については、プロジェクトのウェブサイトにあるリスト(完全版)を参照してください。
相关项目タイニー番組ナビゲータ, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, PeerCast IM, StepMania Japan |
Cerb is a fast and flexible Web-based platform for business collaboration and automation. It helps you remember anything about anyone, collaborate from anywhere, deftly reply to a flood of email, automate, stay informed, capture feedback, track time, flag opportunities, manage tasks, share expert knowledge, and otherwise execute efficiently.
相关项目PukiWiki, Sylpheed, DeSmuME, 和ジラ(Wazilla), RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal |
IMP, the Internet Messaging Program, allows Web-based access to IMAP and POP3 mail servers and provides a range of features normally found only in desktop email clients.
相关项目MeCab, MPC-BE, 和ジラ(Wazilla), Dumpper v.60.3, OpenTween |
Open-Xchange Server Edition is a multi-tier, small footprint solution that integrates seamlessly into customer’s architectures, enabling smooth start of operation based on services. The Open-Xchange Server Edition supports different Enterprise Linux systems like SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, and Debian Etch. Users are presented with a highly advanced, improved, and intuitive browser based interface that meets all their email, calendaring, tasking, contacts, and document storage requirements. Further integrations like LDAP-support or ADS are possible. It's designed for medium organizations and educational and public administrations that want to have a customizable communication solution.
相关项目Tween, Sylpheed, Darik's Boot and Nuke, 独自ビルドプロジェクト, DeSmuME |
QCAD is an application for computer aided drafting (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With QCAD, you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts, or schematics and diagrams. QCAD can be easily extended through plugins and its very powerful and complete ECMAScript (JavaScript) interface.
The WiKID Strong Authentication System is a highly scalable, secure two-factor authentication system. It is simple to implement and maintain, allows users to be validated automatically, requires no hardware tokens, has a simple API for application support (via Ruby, PHP, Java, COM, Python, etc.), supports multiple domains, and supports replication for fault tolerance and scalability. It also supports mutual /host and transaction authentication, wireless tokens only domains, locked tokens (to your PC), anti-keystroke logger keypad PIN entry, etc.
TYPO3 CMS is a Web Content Management System which features automatic creation of navigational menus, headlines, and other dynamic graphical elements, automatic conversion and scaling of images, the ability to present different templates based on variables such as client browser or country code, support for multiple templates on a site, and a built-in password-protection option. Pages can be timed to be shown on a certain date, be hidden on a certain date or just temporarily hidden. TYPO3 supports search in SQL-databases and redesigning of a website at once is just a matter of creating a single new template.
Fotoxx navigates an image collection using a thumbnail browser to choose images to view or edit. Edit functions include brightness, contrast, color, gamma, white balance, tone mapping, red eyes, sharpen, blur, noise suppression, smart erase, trim (crop), resize, rotate, add text, bend/warp, many art effects, HDR, HDF, stack, and panorama. Edit functions use movable curves and sliders. Feedback is live using the whole image. RAW files can be edited and saved with deep color. Areas or objects can be selected using freehand draw, follow edge, and tone matching. Selections can be edited in place with adjustable blending. They can also be cut and pasted into other images. Any metadata can be edited, reported, and searched (filenames, tags, dates, geotags, comments, captions, ratings, etc.). Collections (arbitrary subsets) can be defined and viewed. Batch functions are available for rename, resize/export, RAW conversion, and more.
Achievo is a Web-based project management and tracking tool for small- to medium-sized companies, aiming to become a fully featured ERP-like system in the future. Features include a time registration module, scheduler, project management, todo's, and several statistical tools. Achievo is multi-language, fully customizable, and uses a modular system to allow future extensions.
相关项目DeSmuME, グループウェア 「Aipo」, Darik's Boot and Nuke, phpGroupWare Japanese Project, GLOBALBASE PROJECT |
Zero Install is a decentralized cross-distribution software installation system. It allows software developers to publish programs directly from their own Web sites, while supporting features familiar from centralized distribution repositories such as shared libraries, automatic updates, and digital signatures. It is intended to complement, rather than replace, the operating system's package management. 0install packages never interfere with those provided by the distribution.
OTRS is a platform independent Web-based help desk system that supports service organization of any kind (e.g. IT service, customer and technical product service, complaint management, public services, etc.) to increase their efficiency. It increases transparency as well as service quality and lowers your total cost of ownership. It has been certified ITIL V3 compatible by PinkVERIFY for incident, problem, change, service asset and configuration, request fulfillment, and knowledge management. Other ITIL processes like service catalog and service level management are supported as well.
相关项目Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, Properties Editor, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3 |
Octopussy is a solution to manage your logs (also frequently called a SIM/SEM/SIEM Solution). Basically, it stores your logs, produces reports, and raises alerts.
相关项目FOMAUSBDriver for Mac OS X, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, MPC-BE, MeCab, Nagios-JP |
Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic. This implies that PHP code is application logic, and is separated from the presentation. The Smarty design was largely driven by these goals: clean separation of presentation from application code; a PHP backend and Smarty template frontend; compliment PHP, not replace it; fast development/deployment for programmers and designers; quick and easy to maintain; a syntax that is easy to understand, with no PHP knowledge required; flexibility for custom development; and security (insulation from PHP).
Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting, and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a nonexistent page. All data is stored in plain text files with wiki formatting. Various plugins provide additional functionality, like a task list manager, an equation editor, a tray icon, and support for version control. Zim can be used to keep an archive of notes, take notes during meetings or lectures, organize task lists, draft blog entries and email, or do brainstorming.
相关项目Darik's Boot and Nuke, PukiWiki, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, linuxBean, SAKURA Editor |
Simple Groupware is a complete enterprise application offering email, calendaring, contacts, tasks, document management, synchronization with cell phones and Outlook, full-text search, and much more. Simple Groupware combines standards like RSS, iCalendar, vCard, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, CIFS, CSV, WebDAV, LDAP, and SyncML under one platform. Unlike other groupware software, Simple Groupware contains the programming language sgsML to enable the quick customization and creation of powerful Web applications.
相关项目iReport-Designer for JasperReports, RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal, 独自ビルドプロジェクト, Boookends, OpenTween |